It is interesting how in your friends circles and your friends-friends circles you come to learn of fellow Psychonaughts.
What's even better, is that the few that I've spoken to have all been as willing to get in touch with me to talk about my own experiences as I have been with them. Like minded people
A gent I was talking to a few days back got onto the subject of sourcing, he
REMOVED his DMT from somebody else and apparently can get two kinds. He can get 'normal' DMT which is the usual yellow/orange powder and then
REMOVED he can get 'lab made' DMT which comes as a white powder.
I was under the impression that DMT starts white then turns into its pale yellow colour due to oxidation, which would then lead me to assume that what he is getting isn't DMT but something else? Yet, apparently this stuff "blows your mind" in comparison to the 'normal' stuff.
Have I missed something during the hours of online research or is there a magical DMT method out there that produces pure white crystals that stay white?
Mod Edit: No discussion on selling, buying, sourcing, acquiring, pricing, trading, mentioning pending deliveries or smuggling of drugs