I recently had a conversation with a friend who has been doing extractions for a while now and we got on the topic of setting an intention and meditating on it during the extraction process. My friends experiments went as such, during the extraction process, he would meditate during the periods of time you have to wait like when acidifying, basifying, or letting the naptha extract the DMT from your mixture.
The first time he did this he meditated on the idea of learning how to truly love, whether it be yourself or others, and other concepts based around love. After the extraction multiple people tried the batch and almost all of them came back with results of unconditional love from the experience.
When the next batch that was extracted, the process was repeated but this time the focus of the meditation was expanding your awareness and breaking boundaries that had previously held you back. Upon having people try this batch the results that people described from there experience where that it was extremely intense and overbearing and some even described it as breaking there concept of reality to reveal new boundaries beyond what they thought were possible.
I feel I should note that most if not all people that tried these batches are experienced users and know what the experience can hold in store for you.
I always try to set some intention into psychedelic experiences. I am wondering if any of you have ever conducted any experiments like this or you practice meditation and setting intention into your experiences with supportive results??
I'm you?
No, your me.
Who's me?