There is already plenty of "what is real" discussion, I'd like this to be more than just "are our experiences real or not" but all views are welcome!
I would like to hear what you think of similarities between psychedelic experiences and imagery, especially "cross-entheogen" ones that transcend the boundaries between completely different entheogens.
For example, I was reading the
mapping hyperspace thread, and this
Quote:I've noticed two "sides" of hyperspace. There's the bright side, and the dark side.
The "bright side" is colourful, dominated by a golden light everywhere. It has a very distinct "feel". It's a happy place, where you feel very comfortable and peaceful.
Then there's the "dark side", which is mostly shades of blue, and it has a more sinister feel. The entities there are also more "scary" than the inhabitants of the "bright side". They are mostly insectoids.
stood out to me.
It reminded me of my own experience on psilocybe mushrooms, except I didn't see the entities, I was one of them. I was halfway in this world, halfway... elsewhere. No part of me was human. I was a spider-like creature, not like regular small spiders here, but a creature larger than humans. My essence was black, the kind of black that is black in the brightest of lights, blacker than black, the kind that sucks out light and reflects nothing, with only faint highlights (deep blue/violet, faint reflections of light at scarce places, just enough to make me appear more than just a shadow. I wasn't evil or sinister (but I can see how I would have been perceived as such), I was absolutely neutral. My actions were dictated by what I can only say is beyond any human morals or rules of behavior or motivations. The humans (there was a large group of people there) had this inherent "warm tone" to them, less than the "happy golden glow" described by that poster in the "light side", a dimmer version of it, but a definite warm tone nonetheless. I could sense it in the humans in any lighting, including under blue lighting. My inherent "color" was darkness manifest as blacker than black, with cold bluish highlights where there were any.
I've never done DMT. The person describing the "light side" and the "dark side" was describing a DMT experience. I was that creature on psilocybe mushrooms. The curious thing is that other people (both sober and tripping) described my movements and behavior as spider-like, and apparently some of the ways I moved in were "physically impossible" (according to other people. Of course any way I move in is physically possible! But maybe they saw more than just my movements "in this world"?
Or they were just tripping. You're welcome to speculate...) I haven't thought of the experience in a long time, but it raises some interesting questions both about the boundaries between this shared reality and whatever realities are beyond it, and similarities between trips to other realities, especially using completely different psychedelics/entheogens.
Share your thoughts
Or ask questions if anything I wrote was unclear.
O Immortal, O Soma
Pavamana, Word of God
In flesh and living blood
Resurrected fruit of the Tree of life