So I have experimented with
low doses of DMT and playing the guitar and have had great results.
For the past 2 months, give or take, I have been working on my own sort of low dose cleanse. I mean this very literally. Once a week, sometimes twice a week (it all depends on timing, resources, feelings etc. etc.) I will load approximately 5-15mg (15mg being the absolute max) DMT, strip down and walk into the bathroom.
I turn on the water in my shower and get it to a comfortable temperature. While staring into the mirror, I think about
everything that has happened in the past week. The problems, observations, stresses, epiphanies, emotions and anything else in between and I try to let go of all the negative energy that may have built up. I take a few deep breaths and think about my intentions with the DMT.
Then I smoalk the amount mentioned above and as the 'low dose' (note:
15mg may not be considered a low dose for everyone so use caution. Better yet, do not attempt this without considering the safety implications!) kicks in I hop into the warm shower. The feeling is incredible. Obviously, a shower is very cleansing
all by itself but when used together with DMT a low dose becomes quite powerful. As if the shower droplets were falling straight out of heaven and onto my head. Opening "me" up to myself is something I have trouble doing in everyday life and this method had been working wonders for me.
It has allowed me to focus in on and correct issues in my life that I wasn't even aware of. Sometimes it brings up problems that I was hiding from myself and during the course of the shower/trip I am forced to contemplate and form rational solutions. All through a DMT shower.
The water seems to symbolize all my troubles. As it hits me, beads and drains off it almost as if it washes away silly issues along with any physical dirt. Ever since I started doing this I have felt much happier in my outlook on life. It truly is a medicine. I am not the type of person who is depressed or sad at this point in my life but I had no idea how much pointless clutter I had floating around in my brain.
For instance, my job recently tried to transfer me to another branch in order to try and save it from failing as a business (I'd rather not say exactly where I work to keep things as anonymous as possible
Paranoid? Probably, but no matter...). I however am just now getting comfortable in my role at my current branch. Not to mention they sprung it on me with less than 24 hours to decide.
So I did a cleanse that night and pondered the life altering changes that would happen if I went along with what my bosses were pushing on me. I eventually decided that it is best for me to stay where I was. I love the place I am at right now with my job and it may sound selfish but I have to do what is right for me. I realized that there is no way that I was the only solution to their problem. A job is just a job? Maybe, but I love the people and the atmosphere of where I am now and I want to enjoy it. Needless to say, they had to go with a different solution.
Anyway, I have found low dosing once or twice a week while showering to be very beneficial. Very cleansing and relaxing. It has become a kind of ritual for me. It hits that "reset" button on my mind and allows me to think clear as crystal. It is very refreshing.
So that is pretty much it. Thoughts?
oh, and if you do try this, please be careful. Showers are slippery! Wouldn't want anyone to hop in their shower all distorted and slip and smash their head, you know?
-The Grateful One-
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