Not sure where I can post this as a probationary member, but this will do, hopefully it is acceptable.
I had a truly weird experience last night. My girlfriend and had I decided it was time for a light recreational trip, and spent the day doing chores and getting things in place so we could trip. Being farmers, we have to manage our time fairly closely, or someone won't get fed, or a garden bed might wilt. Our plan was to come up as it got cool enough to enjoy being outside and look at our bird flock and chill, doing most of the heavy chores before we got high.
It worked out quite well, everything was taken care of by 5:30 pm, and we decided to dose at 6 pm, giving us about 4 hours before total dark to enjoy. We decided on LSD as the vehicle for this trip, with an optional 140 mg MDMA supplement planned for an hour later if we wanted it. I went for 160 mics, she went for 110, we clinked glasses and drank down our water/L solution, and I went out to water a garden. She joined me shortly and we came up nicely. It was a nice standard trip, we looked at the birds, pet the emu, and enjoyed each others company, and the birds behaved suitably ridiculously to entertain. Neither of us was feeling like we needed to take the MDMA, so we saved it for another night.
After it got dark, she went inside to watch a nature documentary, and I decided to listen to music and dance outside, always a wonderful idea for me when I am tripping. I am a dyed in the wool deadhead, and dancing is a spiritual endeavor for me sometimes if I choose it to be. I was feeling particularly estatic, looking at the stars. My thoughts had turned to the birds that live with us and we care for, and I was dancing love for my bird friends, filling with happiness and complex thoughts about birds, and my relationship with them.
Just as the music was winding down, I heard a weird noise over the music in my earbuds.
**this is where it gets weird**
Taking my ear buds off, I listened. Soon I heard the noise again, it was a goose honking an alarm call. We don't have any geese, but a family of wild Cannada geese is nesting on the river near us, and they often chill in our lower field with their baby geese during the day so goose noise isn't too unusual here, but it was pretty late at night, and the call had a distict alarm note to it. I pulled out my very bright flashlight, and shined it down towards the river, and spotted a lone goose swimming in the river, looking lost. I tapped on the window and got my lady out there to see, and we went down to the lower field to take a closer look.
I immediately noticed that is certainly wasn't a Cannada goose, and it seemed to be tired of swimming against the current, it was alone, and wanted to get out of the river to rest. I felt amazing empathy for this lost bird, and sensed it needed my help. I shined my flashlight at a spot on the bank it could get up, and sat down. It kept circling into the bank, but couldn't decide if it should climb out near me. I closed my eyes and sent love and concern to the goose, and told him with LSD mind pictures that it could trust me, it could rest here for the night and I would protect it if it wanted.
It apparently got the message, because it climbed right up the bank to my girlfriend and I, and plopped down on the rock right between us and honked. My girlfriend and I looked at each other, we couldn't believe it! I reached out slowly and petted it, and it quickly settled down and closed it's eyes and enjoyed a neck rub. Our ducks and emu love neck rubs, (chickens not so much) and I guess geese do too.
After a while of petting the goose and admiring it's pretty feathers and awesome bill which was made even more impressive by the sparkling beauty of LSD, we stood up to move, wondering if the goose would come with us. We moved uphill and the goose followed. Or more walked as close to us as it could, remaining inbetween us. We led it up to a pen where it could be alone away from the main flock, and had another petting session. I could see the absolute trust in it's eyes, and feel how grateful it was to be safe and off the river.
We gave it some fermented grain, and after a half hour of goose love, we went inside. It honked a few times asking us to come back, then settled down.
Today, it seems perfectly at home. It made friends with the birds on the other side of the fence, and is happily munching grass.
I really think that the goose found us because I was putting out such a strong wave of love for birds, and could absolutely catch some of the messages I was sending to it. There isn't another house on the river for miles, and I have a feeling we are the only people for many more miles that would rescue a wayward goose at 11:45 at night. What are the odds? It knew this was a safe place for birds, because it really and truely is.
We did some googling and determined that this was a domestic Chinese goose, so it's either a feral domestic, or it got swept downriver from another farm. We are going to ask around and see who keeps Chinese geese. We are certainly keeping her, but would like to fill in the blanks in her backstory for curiosity's sake.
TurkeyRanch attached the following image(s):
(1,087kb) downloaded 92 time(s). image.jpg
(2,197kb) downloaded 93 time(s). image.jpg
(1,756kb) downloaded 91 time(s).Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile!
"Luck favors the observant." -Workman