I have yet to meet an entity face to face. Well, that is only half true.
I have gone to hyperspace on many occasions, seeing marvelous structures and increasingly complex fractal imagery along with being "sucked through" weird tunnels/wormholes. However, it seems to me that whatever entities are nearby, they don't want me to see them yet. I can feel a presence, sometimes multiple presences but they always stay "behind" me, so to speak.
On my most astoundingly powerful journey to date, I felt a very stern/crushing/commanding/singular presence that did not reveal its physical nature to me but brought me to new depths of hyperspace and smashed my ego relentlessly. Almost like it was saying, "I am this powerful, there is no need for you to see me." Nothing actually said that but that was the
feeling that I got from it.
I have also heard/hear many voices on these journeys as well but it is as if they are all talking at once so it is hard to make out the message. Sometimes it sounds as if they are further away, discussing whether or not to greet me. Of course, I don't know what they are really saying seeing as it isn't always in English. It isn't even necessarily "words" that I "hear" but more like I can "feel" the message telepathically or something of that nature. It is hard to explain.
The closest I came to meeting one (besides the strange "behind me voices" that almost whisper in my ear, sharing secrets or classified information of some sort that I can't recall very well) was on the comedown of one journey I opened my eyes earlier than I normally would and I sat up. Everything was still absolutely distorted and I saw some sort of white light energy being zooming around the room at breakneck speed. As I tried to focus on it, it would comically jump out of my sight. I got the
feeling that it was enjoying this and so was I for that matter. I may have been feeding off of its unique energy as I found myself laughing at the playfulness.
So I have felt beings nearby and caught glimpses of other beings but they seem so elusive. It seems that they want to keep me in the dark for now. Almost as if it is fun for them. Keep in mind that I am not trying to force a meeting (whatever happens, happens is what I always say
) but I know they are there, lurking. And they know that I know they are there too. It is all very weird, indeed!
But anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has had experienced things like this? Where there seems to be entities around but they don't want to reveal themselves fully for some reason. On some occasions there are no voices, no foreign presence, or entities at all. I just fly through endless geometric patterns and colors.
I guess in time they will reveal their true nature. And if not, then I may not be worthy of their full, undivided presence as of now. Perhaps it is something I have to work towards?
Thank you in advance for your thoughts
-The Grateful One-
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