I'm glad to have the opportunity to join this group of like-minded individuals! I have been evolving consciously in my own nature about how I am examining myself, and my world. Self-discovery and educating myself has been essential to my growth. I love learning about philosophy, psychology, evolution, the cosmos, psychedelics, and more! The "natural" world fascinates me. Terence Mckenna has been a huge influence on my thought processes as what he has said has been making more and more sense. Rest In Hyperspace as of April 3, 2000! What's turned me more and more towards the Nexus is of course my interest in DMT. Well what has really clicked me to embark this path has been a previous higher dose mushroom trip that gave me a unique perspective that has changed my life ever sense. I realize now it's no joke what people have been saying how psychedelics can dissolve your cultural operating system. I experienced viewing reality in a very "organic" way or "baby's eye," without any of my psyche's life-long conditioning in place. It shook me enough due to you know living most of my life unexamined and then this particular trip turned it all over on it's head. I've always been a person to analyze my surroundings and personal behavior previous to this. I've also experienced other occurrences of psychedelics. All I can say is, WOW! These things can change the world and the human species as we know it, positively. Terence's philosophy makes very much sense now. I am incredibly happy to be able to have this amazing unique perspective that I cannot undue now and also live my current life stably at the same time. My goals are higher than ever, my passion has been discovered, and my dreams are waiting to be reached. So now this goes back to why DMT? Well, after viewing that perspective from that psilly trip it's also left a very very peculiar mindset with me. My reality is much weirder, as now I ask more questions than ever. I was interested in DMT a year ago but now I feel I'm being beckoned further into this mystery we are all experiencing. So now I have begun collecting all my ingredients to proceed with my own ACRB extract. I feel confident now more than ever it is time for me to take this quest into my own hands. I hope to be able to share my first experience with you all as I will very much love support and will appreciate it. I hope to contribute to this group my thoughts and ideas to help further our exploration upon this interesting molecule, and most of all I am here to LEARN. Great to be here with you all, isn't it nice to be alive during the era of the internet?!
my loopy guess is that t. mckenna is off hopping about hyperspace wielding a butterfly net analog, all the while collecting the most peculiar.