i actually strongly appreciate your imput snozzle; the criticism is nothing but constructive. i will elaborate: this is a general movement that i agree will develope overtime. the first thing i was thinking was "organize the forums together and talk about our goals". we've had the Coalition for etheogenic liberty which i could see takes alot of collaboration, time, and effort.
i also appreciate a1pha's comment as well XD it entertained me and also was serious as well.
what i was thinking was that this post would just be the connection to the three websites to send ambassadors (preferably moderators or senior members) to discuss a movement in better detail than i could. but i hadn't seen other posts like that on their websites and wanted to make the post to BL and Shroomery and make the connection.
now i was thinking the protesting wouldn't be angry but peaceful. such as hunger strikes, writting to legislators generally speaking (i know that most of them will at least listen; though that's no guarantee they'd actually care about it).
what i figured was that if the forums protested peacefully; even an online protest that we could make some difference. the protest would be on the basis that the war on drugs infringes on cognitive liberty, human rights, and wastes resources. i think that this would be more of a movement than a protest; but i couldn't think of other words to describe it.
honestly i wrote this out of a sense that i want to get involved in reform and try to do my part in some way. and this isn't just typically about psychedelics because the topic is extremely broad; from harm reduction to the prison system a movement could do some good to the human public.
but i also am looking at the pro's and cons of this. i've included this into the link to the other sites so i think that most people who will get involved will find the constructive criticism that you two have given helpful in seeing this in a rational aspect.
mostly i'd like to do my part and see if the powers of the three mentioned communities combined could help with legalization or decriminalization. i know it seems like i'm anxious but it's more of a long-term conflict i've been dealing with. alot of people feel "in the closet" about this and i kind of want to open that closet door just a little bit for those people to get their voices heard.
i was thinking we could organize together and make a documentary; though we don't have to mention the sites. it's just that there's so much harm in regards to the war on drugs. i don't mean to scare anyone with what i said about it but i'm just hoping to try something here. i don't want to be radical or agressive; just effiecient and i feel like the nexus, bluelight, and shroomery will help the movement to be efficient. the main reason for posting this to the nexus is because i could see the nexus being the leader of this mainly due to our level of peacefulness, organizational skills, and generally high quality of content.
just my thoughts in response to A1pha and Snozz. this is mainly to get the three organizations together to discuss things further; not so much for me to spearhead it. i know i was the one to make the three posts on the different websites but by no means am i the leader of this; just a catalyst.
as for where; i was thinking the protest could be online and in an international sense; but i'm also okay with starting somewhere specific like the UK or US; where prohibition is big. i think it would be effective due to the number of voices associated with three major successful drug information website communities who are used to acting as a community.
i think writting to legislators or even media would be a way of reaching our movement into politics; but as you guys said we don't want to draw attention to the at risk communities who simply want to go about their business.
i don't know if this idea will be perfect; but who knows what this will form into? it's mostly something i wanted to try out on a whim/gut feeling that the communities united would work best. i even have the idea of the three communities (and i think there are other less heard of communities like hippieforums) forming a united drug forum.
i mostly like the idea of uniting our ideas, people, and perspectives together into a mixing pot. but i'm up for as much criticism as possible because the criticism will provide a better foundation for the movement to be serious. thank you both for your input; it did get me thinking.