I'm mostly responding to each post in this thread but specifically the one below and then the OP.
Artemis wrote:Very interesting.. A prevailing hypothesis is that DMT is the source of altered consciousness states such as dreams during REM sleep. Also, the pineal gland... after years of abuse to our bodies through toxic substances, our pineal gland becomes calcified. It is no wonder we lose touch with the fantastical dreams of our childhood. DMT brings us back to a state of pure conciousness before we developed our grounded ego
As much as it may be a "hypothesis" and I would never say it's a "sure thing", I agree with it to an extent. The whole pineal gland and calcification concept, I don't know enough to speculate with certainty but there is however one thing I'm sure of - DMT and dream recall seems very much one in the same.
I used to try to practice OOBE and other things. There's been a couple occasions where I can swear I've made it out of myself so to say but as soon as I realized it, I was immediately snapped back so I cannot be sure they weren't just dreams. Around that phase though, I recalled my dreams with ease.
After growing up more and getting caught up in day to day life, I quit paying attention. Eventually, it seemed like I didn't even have dreams.
Fast forward to the beginning of my DMT usage... Except for a few extreme experiences, I could never recall them after.
Lately though I can remember nearly every "second" of these experiences. Recently I started doing DMT daily for certain reasons. I've kind of had to put a break on this though because I haven't felt the same "calling" lately. I know that if I don't feel it's the right time, I will have a bad time.
Anyway .. The daily DMT - as short as it was - and prior experiences have gotten me into a specific set of habits during the "comedown" that I also used for dreams recently.
1) I make a point of moving the least possible.
2) I make a point of trying as hard as possible to focus on/prolong the experience - easier said than done.
3) I always have my fiance by me.
4) Once I reach the point that I can speak just clearly enough, I as quietly as possible explain in as much detail as I can to my fiance everything that happened, everything I felt, everything I saw and everything I heard or was told.
These are simple things you can do. If you don't have a person in the room with you, try a tape recorder. To be quite honest though, I don't need her to say anything back to me. It's like the act of repeating the experience out-loud solidifies the memories in my mind.
Now's the point .. Since I've started doing that, I've noticed many many many dreams at night that are extremely vivid. Could it be the DMT? Could it be the way I'm training my brain? Who really knows ... I can however remember almost every moment of all of my dreams and even my DMT experiences now - without having to repeat them verbally.
What assumptions people make from this is up to them. Are DMT and dreams tied together? I think they very well could be but in the end I suggest anyone curious about remembering their dreams and/or DMT experiences try it if they don't already.
Some people may get nothing from this but I'm sure at least someone will. Hope it helps you OP.
On that note Varox, I think what you're experiencing is common. There's many times in my life that I've had that happen and I'm sure we're not alone though. As you said they're amazing to recall. I've had the same happen with dreams and DMT experiences in the past. What's more amazing is being able to remember them without the sudden flashes. Maybe try what I posted above, maybe try something else. There's nothing worse than sitting for a week wondering "WTF just happened? I can't remember!" haha ... That used to drive me nuts.
Anyway as I post here more some of you may notice my posts are somewhat long. I don't mean to jack threads. I simply rarely reply/post unless I see an opportunity to potentially help along the way and at that point, there's usually a lot to say.