First of all sorry for probably sometimes bad english, and typos
Well lets start. It was last year. I was walking around the beach (old continent Mediterranean country) and seen that whole "walking area" around the beach is planted with strange looking trees with strange looking flowers. Tree was looking familiar but I immediately know this is not common "mimosa" tree. Googling is not helpful when you do no know what to google about. Luckily next week of may stay there at summer vacation came friend who knows more about trees. She immediately knew latin name of the tree (she is wood industry engeneer). Now I had something to google about.
I have found that is traditionally used at traditional Chinese medicine for depression anxiety etc. Well that was it. I had to pick those flowers so I came in the middle of night when there are no passengers and collected two bags of flowers. I dried them.
I tried tea using fresh flowers and yes it had some mild effects, but because flowers are so sticky alcohol tincture would be much better for extraction than just water. I put flowers in storage when I came home, tried some flowers in vaporiser and yes there is mild calming effect, but sublingual tincture is much better, read on.
Ok floweres were left in storage until NOW. I got an idea to make tincture. I took flower bag from house storage, when whole bag is full of SMALL BUGS. I still did not give up, I thoroughly removed all insects, put all flowers in 60 % ethanol , 1:5 weight ration flowers to alcohol.
I heated tincture to 60 °C and left it to stay few weeks. BUT I took small amount of tincture to try immediately because heated alcohol dissolved most of important things.
It was about 20 o'clock. And I wanted to give it a try. I took 8 drop under my tongue, and keep it there for about 2 minutes than swallowed . Repeated 3 times.
At this time I am very agitated and angry about work, life, much anxiety , stress, etc. I was really stressed late months.
After 30 minutes I started to feel strange vibrating energy flowing through the body. It was so calming restfull flow. All troubles and stressful thoughts were melting away. Thought of future projection , thought of people that make you angry, didn't matter at all, there was just peaceful energetic feeling. There was not much alteration of perception, vision was maybe slightly wavy, and sound were little different, and time slowed, but nothing really too obvious, change of perception was very subtle.
At 22 o'clock I was getting sleepy, and I prepared for bed. I took before sleep again 8 drops.
Closed the lights, closed my eyes to sleep, but now "waviness" was stronger, like gentle falling waving rotating feeling. I fall asleep soon. Now REAL and most important thigh starts: FOLLOWING night I had the MOST intense dreams I ever had, I remember every dream that night, one was little kind of lucid. I never managed to remember so many dreams in one night, they were so intense and real. After every dream I would wake a little ,that's the mechanism of dream recall, but it happened spontaneously.
I can not recall single dream for years. I tried both calea zacatechnchi , and african dream root, both with almost NO effect.
Next morning I woke up really restful, whole morning I was happy and full of positive energy.
All in all this plant is incredible for calming your being, and for now it seems the BEST dream inducer. I will try again today.
IS THERE A CHANCE THAT BUGS in bag, produced new chemical by eating those flowers? I think not because vaporising experience was similar but much weaker.
Probably the key are saponins, both african dream root and albizia contain them.
Also that that day I ate much of turkey meat, Tryptophan , albizia relation, hmm also probably not.