Thanks so much for everyone's collective time and thoughts in the past, present and future. I am 21 year old male; i started reading the nexus and a few other message boards heavily when i was in grade 8
So I oh you all more thanks than i can ever give, the most blessed hours I spent destroying my eyes in front of a computer screen where with you. Partway through my schooling, I neglected tending to reality, myself, and that/who manifested in it for some time as i got lost in skiing and my ego so to speak... Its been a 2.5 years since I have hit a slope, and ive finally been getting back to my roots. Science, spirituality, nature.
The month of April is to be a game changer for me; as there is much learning over the years that i foresee will come to be; and the universe manage to align me an account on the nexus just in time
"To see a world in a grain of sand
and a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour."
-William Blake
Peace and Light
Ray S.