for now i hope this remains in the Welcome Area so that new members can be a part of this and i hope that this thread becomes either a sticky or at least many members contribute; because i'm calling nexus members for action on a vital mission we all share.
Drug policy reform is the current hot-topic debate internationally. With the Extreme failure of the so called "war" on drugs the majority highly supports drug reform and a change in attitude of drug policy. together we can fight this and defeat the prohibitionists who have taken everything from users of unfortunate circumstances
International drug-policy reform needs to happen as soon as possible because prohibition is costing billions of units in currency as well as life itself. in singapore you can receive the death penalty for smoking cannabis (freaking ridiculous, cruel, and against human rights in the worst way regarding drug users; aka people).
what can you and I and Us do to reform International drug policy as soon as possible? should we massively petition accross the internet and send the petition to as many affiliated organizations, politicians, human rights groups, and other authority groups as we can? should we create a thread specifically dealing in Reform? what are your thoughts? should we make a youtube video where we talk about the harms of prohibition and why we support reform and circulate it as best as we can?
i'm just thinking outloud here but it needs to happen now because some people don't have a few years to wait; some people will die directly as a result of prohibition and we might just be able to prevent that. the quality of life for drug and etheogen users needs to improve and we need to stop treating drug users like they don't matter.
all life matters and no one should be locked up, murdered, or demonized/ostricized for what they choose to consume or experience. this has gone on long enough; we can end it and break the cycle together.
thanks for anyone's support. here's hoping to peace, love, and safety in regards to Cognitive Liberty.