Hi, I hope I am allowed to post questions in the Welcome Area forum.
I smoked Changa yesterday and I am planning to roll MDMA tomorrow.
Changa (with MAOIs) + MDMA combo is dangerous becayse it can cause Serotonin Syndrome.
How long after smoking changa do I have to wait to take MDMA? Are 2 days enough?
I'm very excited to roll molly tomorrow, it's going to be my first time and I really can't wait any longer due to excitment. There's isn't much information about my question on google so I figuered i'd ask here.
I've read that the MAOIs that changa consist of are RIMA (rima reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase-a) which will not stay long in your body. Also I read that smoking also makes it go faster rather than taking it orally.
So should I roll tomorrow? I want to know if it's safe.