Hello colour, smokerx, and all. Thanks for the welcomings!
smokerx wrote:Are you interested about topics generally or you intend to study or try DMT or any other substances mentioned here on the forum ?
I am interested in all aspects of psychedelic plants, extraction chemistry and set & setting in general and DMT in particular. Not new on this area but there certainly remains a lot to learn, and discussions in Nexus have proven their value. Respect and safety are important aspects and this is well reflected here.
smokerx wrote:What kind science do you do if I may ask ? I am sure if you have good chemistry knowledge you will be good addition to our scientists team here at Nexus.
Natural sciences but not chemistry. My chemistry knowledge is limited to high school courses (though I took all available courses there + some introductory university courses way back). But this gives a good background to follow threads and I have lately experienced a revival in my interest towards chemistry which I never found this interesting before :-) It is just super interesting to understand what happens in various stages of the extraction and how it is affected by different variables! At least for now it is, however, more about reading about these than trying it all out myself.
smokerx wrote:When it comes to promotion it will take some time. People will have to know you first before you will be allowed to post anywhere you want. The best way to do it is to start contributing and answering questions posted in new members area. Lots of questions there. read
this first
Great, point taken. And the attitude page done already. I will do my best !