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Burning Tattoo on DMT Come Up Options
#1 Posted : 2/24/2015 3:03:06 AM


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I'm curious if anyone has had a similar experience to what I'm about to describe.

I have been in the process of getting a fairly large tattoo for the last six months. I do at least a 5 hour session every month with the artist, and it's getting close to being done. The tattoo is heavily influenced by my DMT and mushroom experiences, so as ritual, I vape DMT each morning before I have a tattoo session.

Anyways, there have also been a few times where I've had DMT immediately following a tattoo session. It's never been closer than 12 hours after the tattoo itself, but I've had this experience at least a half dozen times where about 7 seconds after taking my DMT hit, the fresh tattoo starts to glow red hot from pain. It doesn't look any different, but it almost immediately starts to burn, and then as the come up continues, it will reach a point where it's almost unbearable. Then, at about 30-40 seconds, it'll dissipate almost all at once--sometimes it's right before breaking through to the peak of the experience.

It happens like clockwork, and there has never been once where I had a new tattoo and didn't experience this burning pain where the fresh work exists.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Anyone want to take a guess as to what's going on with this?
All of my posts are entirely fictional. I am a writer, and as a means to research the life of a fictional character that I'm writing about, I post on the Nexus to get into character. In real life I have no interest or interaction with mind-altering substances.

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#2 Posted : 2/24/2015 3:20:13 AM


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I had a series of trips where I thought my face was burning and having some kind of allergic reaction to an herb in my changa, only to find that I was completely fine afterwards. It might be partly psychological and partly an amplification of the underlying pain of the latest session? Hard to say.

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#3 Posted : 2/24/2015 3:34:04 AM

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I had a single trip with changa that produced a very strange feeling.

I got extremely hot for ~30 seconds, & felt something in my veins everywhere that the heat was eminating from.
It seemed to be rapidly evaporating or removing itself from my body somehow whatever the cause of the heat was.
The strangest part was that i had several cuts & scrapes from work, the heat seemed to exit through the wounds slowly.
With the heat came a shakiness, lightheadedness & feeling of weakness but it passed as soon as the heat stopped & the trip started full force.

I've also read other reports of people having strange pains during dmt sessions on wounds or in areas that recently had bruises, pulled muscles, etc.

#4 Posted : 2/24/2015 3:47:27 AM


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Both of you mention something that I've somewhat theorized, which is that perhaps my body is still experiencing "pain," but naturally turns that off as it heals the wound. Perhaps DMT opens the body's senses to such a degree that "turned off" pain is reignited and the body feels everything more fully.

I really don't think that it's me projecting the pain on the tattoo by having that on my mind going into the trip. I've had it multiple times where I 100% wasn't even thinking of the tattoo (say 4-5 days later) and then right as I take my hit I think, "Oh sh*t! I forgot about that, now it's starting to burn."

I asked my tattoo artist about it and he said that it's news to him, but he was curious if it happens with other fresh injuries. I haven't had an opportunity to really test that yet, but I don't really think that it happens, because I tend to get a lot of cuts and scratches in my day to day life, and I haven't had a glowing pain in any place other than fresh tattoos.
All of my posts are entirely fictional. I am a writer, and as a means to research the life of a fictional character that I'm writing about, I post on the Nexus to get into character. In real life I have no interest or interaction with mind-altering substances.
#5 Posted : 2/24/2015 4:02:45 AM

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Although is it not part of a rigorous scientific analysis, the explanation you just suggested makes a lot of sense to me.

My personal experience with (mild) pain is that through mental focus, pain can be dimished considerably. I suspect that this has to do with a reprogramming of neural knots in the neural pathway from pain source to the brain. DMT could be resetting this programming.
#6 Posted : 2/24/2015 4:06:43 AM


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Pain actually isn't much of an issue for me--I have a very close relationship with it. So I'm not really scared of the pain, just curious about it happening.

As an example, I practice flesh suspension about every 3 months, and have been suspended more than 15 times from my back, knees, and elbows. It's something that I pursue for similar reasons as my DMT use--because it scares me and I grow from it. So I'm not worried about the pain per say; rather, I'm just wondering if it's something that others have experienced or if anyone had an explanation for the occurrence other than what I've already considered.
All of my posts are entirely fictional. I am a writer, and as a means to research the life of a fictional character that I'm writing about, I post on the Nexus to get into character. In real life I have no interest or interaction with mind-altering substances.
#7 Posted : 2/24/2015 4:41:36 AM

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Well today I learned about flesh suspension.

Anyway I also have a DMT inspired tattoo, but I did not use DMT again until maybe about a month after I had my final work done on it. By this point it was completely healed and I had no sensations whatsoever.

I doubt that your burning sensation will continue once your tattoo is finished and healed completely, and it is definitely not something to worry about now. I would just attribute it to increased sensitivity to pain while on DMT. There is probably a physiological change that occurs while under the influence that causes the sensation, but I'm no scientist.
"Think for yourself and question authority." - Leary

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#8 Posted : 2/24/2015 6:00:23 AM

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I had spinal fusion some years ago , so my lower back is pretty messed up.
The pain doesn't really bother me anymore and my job aggravates it constantly .
Some times I will hit the Changa and then lie down, within seconds I will feel massive amounts of pain in my lower back.
Its as if the Changa brings areas with issues to the fore.
I'd guess that's what happens with your tattoo, its an injury that you can ignore until you hit the spice.
#9 Posted : 2/25/2015 7:43:18 PM


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I had something similar happen to me.
I had a bit too much sun and i had a bit of sunburn on my face and back. When i had my usual hit of DMT it felt like those areas were on fire, to such an extent that i was beginning to panic.

Just as i entered what i call the atrium area of my journey, a bloody huge oriental looking golden dragon appeared.Shocked This flew around the now predominatly orange and red geometric atrium area before flying at me and bathing me in its fire.

I will never try another journey if i have even the slightest bit of sunburn againStop

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