The blurb is below. I was under the impression that popular opinion (not scientific 'fact' ) is that the pineal releases DMT, not some other chemical that interacts with DMT? Anyway should be an interesting evening, not sure on the format but if anyone has a good question they'd like me to ask please let me know!
Recent Research into the Pineal Gland as our Third Eye and Psychic ChakraYogis state that the pineal gland is the physical aspect of ajna chakra, our
psychic centre, the third eye. The teachings also state that, as you become
more skilled in meditation, psychic abilities manifest. The pineal gland
makes a neurochemical, thought to be the trigger for dreaming, which acts
together with DMT to shift us into a psychic state of consciousness. The
pineal is switched on by the dark; it is also affected by the Earth¹s
magnetic field. The geomagnetic field affects our pineal gland, which in
turn affects our emotional states and psychic awareness. The implications of
this knowledge leads to a whole reappraisal of sacred sites. Recent
research, initially in India with Yogis and Tibetan Buddhist monks and more
recently at Samye Ling in Scotland, has started to explore these ideas.
Serena Roney - Dougal did a PhD thesis in Parapsychology at Surrey
University, and is the author of "Where Science and Magic Meet" and "The
Faery Faith." She has spent over 40 years studying and experiencing
scientific, magical and spiritual aspects of the psyche, and has lectured
and taught courses, seminars and workshops in America, Japan, Europe and
India. She has just completed a research programme into the relationship
between meditation and psychic awareness with Yogis and with Tibetan monks
in India; followed by research into the geomagnetic field and psychic
awareness with Tibetan Buddhist meditators at Samye Ling in Scotland.
'Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice