Hello. I am a new member here and learned a lot from this forum. As humble as my knowledge can be compared to many members of this forum, I want to share my learning about mini A/B purification process, hoping it can help at least some other beginner in their learning process. English is not my first language, excuse my mistakes.
Someone was sitting in the forest, listening to 2 squirrels having a conversation. After a while, He started to understand their language, and it seems to him they where talking about a dirty spice purification story that happen to a newbie. It went as follow.
Mistake 1
A not so experienced person was extracting some spice with MHRB using Noman's tek, and by mistake and lack of experience, kept his glass bottle containing water, lye, and MHRB in a too hot water bath. He proceeded to pull the spice from the mixture with his NPS, and the NPS came out very dirty. After a freeze precipitation, he ended up with very yellow crystals.
Mistake 2
He then decided to try Marsofold's tek, and evaped his NPS after pulling, to discover an excessively blue final product. After some research, he found out it was due to an impure NPS. He then went on a quest to find a pure NPS, with success.
After more research, he decided to put his whole mess of blue and very yellow snow together which totaled 6g , disolve it in about 250ml hot and clean NPS (leaving some impurity behind on the way) And mixed it with 500ml pure vinegar. After mixing and separating several times, he pulled the NPS out (wich went from clear to blue, absorbing the impurity from the older bad NPS that colored the spice) Then added 200ml of basified water with 70g of lye, waited and start pulling with his new clean warm NPS, 50 ml at a time. He then found out that if one perform a mini acid to base starting with spice saturated hot NPS, it will then require a LOT more of NPS (even if heated), to pull the stuff out of the mini A/B.
Still, he could see the spice floating between the basic solution and the NPS. He then proceeded to mechanically pulling the floating spice from the solution, and then disolving it in minimal amount of clean hot NPS. Impurity from the basified solution start sinking to the bottom of the NPS, like a in a re-X, and could be pulled out.
The freeze precipitated result of this mechanical pull, was way whiter than the one pulled from the basified solution with NPS, and was also faster and easier to achieve.
What do you guys think?
Thanks for reading.