Hello fellow travelers,
I have been utilizing the Nexus for a few years now and exploring the world of molecular awakening. I now am full of questions that must find their corresponding answers to further refine my sense of understanding. I wish to learn more, but also to give freely of any of my experiences and knowledge that may prove helpful to others.
My life has had many ups and downs but i have remained intact, grateful (when I'm reminded of how lucky I am), and still every bit the explorer I was born to be. I am a jack of many trades and a master of none, but this does not discourage an ever growing ( healthy mind you) curiosity. I must always remind myself to "take it slow and be patient", for even now i wish to share all my thoughts and question, so i will try and contain myself and keep this an introduction.
I have many interests in alkaloids ranging from those found in species of Cacti, Fungi, Leaves of central and south american plants, Trees and root bark found around the world, Grasses of varying variety, ect ect ect.
I have experience with most of these alkaloids and wish to learn more.
Safety is a priority to me and I wish to be intelligent in all my research, but I am in many ways human and this realm of exploration is so very complex it leaves many things to be overlooked if one is not careful. So that is my reason for being here, to ensure my safety in my travels as well as to perpetuate the idea of safety in everyone else's travels as well.
So this is my intro. Its not exactly a complete picture, but hopefully it sheds a little light on me and at very least gives you an idea of my interests . Thank you all for reading and thank you for having this site available as well as being a part of it. I am new to forums in general so it may take me a second to get the hang of things.
P.S. I have some specific questions on Acacia Confusa, so if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be most appreciated. As a new member I still am not sure what I can write as far as questions and where i can write them concerning some curios effects of the Fruit of the harvest of said plant. For informational purposes only.