endlessness wrote:Welcome to the Nexus !
What kind of context do you consume your ayahuasca in? Do you brew it yourself, and if so, with what plants/dosages?
Be well!
I have been connected to a Santo Daime group in The Netherlands for about 4/5 years now. We drink in relatively small groups (15 to 30 people) within a relatively loose setting and make a lot of music, combined with meditations in silence and singing bowls and the like. Once I joined a ceremony with a shaman from the Shuar from Equador, and recently I tried to brew it with a friend, which had no effect whatsoever. I also combined magic mushrooms with a MAOi (peganum) once in a weekend retreat, which was quite an experience.
Daime, for those who do not know, is always only made with chakruna and the ayahuasca vine. So no admixtures. Dosages depend on the strenght of the drink which varies in types. But we tend to go for a moderate to above moderate experience, and the aim is to stay present while having the experience. But breakthroughs also happen. You could say the focus is on being aware and working with it, as opposed to being taken over by it, and creating a safe, comfortable and beautiful setting with the music we make.