i think a structured ritual is not necessary but i do think it can be a very good thing if you have pre-existing beliefs.
I think that it is more important to develop your own ritual than to follow anything that anyone else does, i think something that you design yourself and put intention into is gonna be much more usefull than to copy what they do in the jungle.
Since you have a Pagan belief i think its wise to try to incorporate that as much as possible into what it is your doing, im not very familiar with Paganism but im guessing that there is going to be some plant use in its history and i think its wise you have looked into this as i think this is where you will gain the most advantages.
I think your outline is good but seems a little generic, i would try to use more items that symbolise your beliefs and Pagan traditions. Norse music is a good idea, mugwort is good too, but are there other items you can add to the space? I have some things given to me from friends, some small statues i identify with and some gifts i got from my ayahuasca vendor, some beads i use for meditation and a few other things.
My very limited and probably inacurate knowledge of Paganism is that they worship the earth in some fashion, i would include items that fit with this. If you plan on taking a taster dose i would go to a safe place outside to drink.
hope that is helpful and dont forget to let us know how it goes
it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???
fool of the year