Hi Everyone,
After years of being interested in spice I finally got around to following a STB tek here and succeeded on my first try with some MHRB that I had laying about. I had acquired the bark some time back for mimosahuasca purposes and had brewed some up a couple of times to help me with my dependence on alcohol. It did help me and that was several years ago and I have not had any alcohol since.
I am now interested in pursuing my inner consciousness a bit further, which is why I have been perusing this site again. So that is why I am here and also why I created an account, as I want to be able to contribute if possible and simply be a part of this community.
Edit: Wanted to add a couple of things. I have still not been able to bring much back from my spice experiences other than a sense of astonishment. I understand that it takes time and effort to not be completely overwhelmed at the experience and that I have not yet put the time in to be able to do much more than drop my jaw or smile at what I see. The oddest thing I do remember from what was my most intense experience, was being transported to what appeared to be a cartoon world that reminded me of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That wasn't it exactly but that is what it kind of felt like. I was a human in another world/dimension of color.
Anyway glad to be here!
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.
~Joseph Campbell