I tried the 'Bufo changa tek' and the 'Quick and Easy no-smell tek', to try and get the Bufo out
Well, They WORKED but let me say that I just can't seem to get that 'Body Load' OUT of the finished product..No matter HOW much I 'roast' it or try to 'burn it off'.
Had GREAT [[ WEIRD !! ]] Visuals .. Nothing like I've seen before .. Very intricate, partially 3D images, flashing almost to quick to be registered in the mind
HOWEVER, Ohhh the 'Dirty feeling'..That 'Bodyload' ..YUCK !!
And that FISHY smell? Taste? YUCK!
I have GOT to find a way to smooth it out more .. should I just try to buy or go hunt down some TOADS,lol!
I really want to get this down. I guess it takes time, effort, money and all that.
Have any of you made any further progress and had better results with yopo/bufo extractions lately?
I can't mix what I'VE gotten from Yopo, with 'spice' ..No Way ! But I can see the potential here and almost ENVY those who have experienced 'Pure' Bufo/Spice combinations
Everything I say here happened in My own Imagination. The more fantastic it sounds, the more you can count on it being in the realm of Dreams,