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hello Morning Glorys Options
#1 Posted : 8/1/2009 10:19:32 PM
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Hi all,

I've been checking out your nexus for a few weeks now, especially your LSD, LSA, LHS forum because I have some beautiful heavenly blues in my garden. I am wondering if anyone has ever tried soaking the seeds in water and removing the seed material from the husk to cut down on nausea. A couple of years ago some friends of mine did that, the insides swell and burst forth from the husk and are easily, if tediously, picked out(they looked like brain tissue!). They then ate them without further extraction. I can't recall how many they ate, I thinking around 150 to 200. I don't recall any complaints of nausea from them but at that time I wasn't so interested in morning glories and didn't try it myself. Lately I am. About two weeks ago I ate a tiny piece of my first blossom after it dropped from the vine. I was surprised to experience enhancement of colors, especially blue : ) even seeing a blue halo around an object when I was taking a walk. I thought of this as a friendly invitation from my heavenly blues for further exploration. I ate a little more of a blossom last night and again noticed a mild enhancement of color, not so strong as the first time. Then I was reading a thread about using other parts of the plant where someone stated that parts other than seeds contain strichnine and someone else disagreed. I think I'll wait now for some seeds using my friends method with perhaps a cold water extraction. I am no chemist for sure. Would appreciate any comments about my friends method or the presence of strichnine in the foliage and flowers. I also have a Datura Stramonium plant that is now seven feet tall growing closely to my heirloom cherokee purple tomatoe plant. May take one of her seeds with my morning glory. I am also much interested in dream potentiators.

Thanks for putting together this awesome informative web site.

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#2 Posted : 8/2/2009 12:36:08 AM

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As far as I know strychnine doesn’t exist in substantial amounts in any plants other than relatives of Strychnos nux vomica such as Strychnos ignatii.

The reference to strychnine being found in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is likely erroneous and originates from an anonymous author who’s data has been reprinting all over the place. That is what I would call UNRELIABLE DATA. I’ve searched and searched and cannot find a single reliable reference stating that strychnine is found in any part of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose or any morning glory variety. All reliable references state that lysergic acid derivatives are found throughout the plant, not just the seeds.

There are many rumors spread by unscrupulous people about strychnine being present in the seed coats of the seeds, in the leaves, stems, present in peyote, commonly found in LSD, etc.

SWIM knows what the effects of strychnine are like. SWIM has taken 500 micrograms of it before. It’s a nice stimulant in small amounts. He’s been using Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds for over 25 years and never once detected even the slightest strychnine effect in them. Their side effect, although somewhat similar, are not the results of strychnine.

I challenge anyone to come up with a reliable reference that states the actual scientist’s name and actual study where strychnine was found in any of these plants. I’ve searched and found NOTHING of the kind. Anonymous authors do not count as reliable data.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#3 Posted : 8/6/2009 4:22:17 AM
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Thanks 69ron. My understanding was that the ingredient that causes nausea in the morning glories was in the seed coating, is that true?
#4 Posted : 8/6/2009 5:58:44 AM
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Morning Glory exists as a hideous weed in my area, choking creeks and smothering trees with its insidious growth. If only it was Mimosa...
#5 Posted : 8/6/2009 7:43:12 AM

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Not many people like LSA. Most people love LSH though. Try converting the LSA in the seeds to LSH. It's SUPER EASY anyone can do it.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#6 Posted : 8/6/2009 8:12:22 AM

The Root

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eating a peice of blossom to get fx - ???
as in a peice of flower ?
1 piece ?
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

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He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#7 Posted : 8/6/2009 10:07:14 AM

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eatingapeach wrote:
Thanks 69ron. My understanding was that the ingredient that causes nausea in the morning glories was in the seed coating, is that true?

I've read that it is not true, and that the seed coating contains the same alkaloids found in the seed. I've read that what makes you the most sick are the oils in the seeds. But really, there's not enough information to be sure any of this is accurate information. So few tests have been done. You have one author saying one thing, another saying something else. With such little actual scientific tests done on the seeds, it's hard to tell fact from rumor.

One author states that the furry coating on HBWR contains strychnine! Then you have other authors stating that no part of the HBWR plant contains any strychnine whatsoever.

There's also a lot of debate about whether or not these seeds actually contain cyanogenic glycosides which become cyanide when you ingest them. Some people say they do contain them and this is one reason for the side effects. Others say they do but in such small amounts that it would have no effect. And yet others state that the seeds contain no cyanogenic glycosides at all!

It's really hard to pick what you think is fact from what is actually rumor. Real scientific studies are sorely lacking.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#8 Posted : 8/6/2009 8:49:51 PM
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69ron wrote:

"It's really hard to pick what you think is fact from what is actually rumor. Real scientific studies are sorely lacking"

All the more reason to start with small amounts and work your way up. I did see that thread about using peppermint to convert the LSA, I made a tea with one blossom and some fresh peppermint, tasted good and intensified colors. My swim will use that conversion from the thread when the seeds come. Thanks 69ron.

Phlux said,

"eating a peice of blossom to get fx - ???
as in a peice of flower ?
1 piece ?"

My SWIM chem and body size is such that it usually takes small amounts, plus I was was curious about threshold fx and working up from there, not saying that there was enough LSA in 1 small piece to give fx, I didn't expect results at that amount, was surprised by the intense colors, that is why I saw it as an invitation from the morning glories, someone more scientifically minded might call it placebo, the fact is I noticed intensification of colors especially blue.

Morphane says:

"Morning Glory exists as a hideous weed in my area, choking creeks and smothering trees with its insidious growth. If only it was Mimosa..."

Around here Japanese Honey suckle sometimes smothers trees but I would hardly call it hideous or insideous because I don't see it as having a harmful intent, humans brought it here, it is a beautiful plant as is morning glory.

#9 Posted : 8/7/2009 7:02:34 PM

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Where exactly do you find the seeds? I too have a bunch of the vines growing and flowers here and there. Is it too early?
#10 Posted : 8/7/2009 7:10:37 PM

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HappyCamper wrote:
Where exactly do you find the seeds? I too have a bunch of the vines growing and flowers here and there. Is it too early?

yes probably too early, after they flower, the seeds form in pods.
The universe is an infinite harmony of vibrating beings in an elaborate range of expansion-contraction ratios, frequency modulations, and so forth.
#11 Posted : 8/13/2009 8:22:50 PM

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McKenna says once those pods form the best thing to do is collect them, put them in a brown paper bag, roll it shut and place it out in direct sun light to dry out. Voila! Homegrown MG seeds without any of those oh-so-tasty toxins the seed companies like to put in.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#12 Posted : 8/13/2009 9:11:35 PM

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I checked on of my plants this morning and what a surprise I had. In a few places there are these yellow/white hershey kiss looking pods. I ripped one off and slit it with my nail and inside were three or four very pale yellow seeds. Will have to wait a week or two. Smile
#13 Posted : 8/15/2009 9:57:15 PM

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SWIM has done a few experiments with morning glorys, although they were purchased(unsprayed), so were not fresh and not the most potent.
First time SWIM ground up about ~300-400seeds and soaked them in water for about 6 hours. Then filtered off the seed gunk and drank the water. SWIM felt sick for the first 40minutes or so, although SWIM didnt throw up from this, then as the sickness died down the effects started and lasted about 8hours.
Second time SWIM repeated this with about 500-600seeds each, which was much to large an increase. 3 people drank the mix, 1 stopped after drinking only a small amount as they felt abit sick, one threw up after 20minutes of drinking but found the nausia stopped almost imediately after this, the third person kept the mix down and had strong enjoyable effects lasting around 12hours.
Third time SWIM decided to try and reduce nausia, so SWIM soaked ~500seeds in lighter fluid (naphtha or similar would have been better for this) then drained the fluid, and dried seeds overnight. A cold water extraction was done again and this time nausia was reduced although still fairly unpleasant, the effects were moderate and pleasant.

I guess as you will most likely have much stronger seeds than SWIM had removing the husks may be practical, iv read that this is an effective may to reduce nausia, also if you are using few seeds nausia is much less likely to be an issue, im not sure if soaking them in water will reduce potency though, LSA is soluble in water so if you do this use a minimal amount of water.
Although the nausia from whatever nasty stuff is in the seeds is unpleasant it shouldnt be too bad, and if you do throw up because of it, it does seem to go away very quickly.

I guess about 50 seeds would be a good place to start, then work up from there until you reach a level you like.

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