The reason the majority of the public is against drug use is because they have been misinformed by authority figures for their whole life (does anyone here remember DARE and health classes). Most people I've talked to think that drugs like LSD or Marijuana are as addictive as heroin or methamphetamine and are just as destructive to the body.
I created this thread so that we can discuss arguments against the drug prohibition and ways to take those arguments mainstream.
It would also be good to post pro-prohibition arguments so we can formulate and practice good counter-arguments
If anyone has any essays or websites dedicated to stopping prohibition please post a link.
In order to change their minds and their laws we need to proactively campaign for the drugs, instead of reactively bitching when something like salvia gets banned because of public misinformation and yellow journalism.
We need to clean up the image of drugs and drug users; write letters to newspapers, distribute pamphlets, post videos, anything to increase public knowledge about the good side of drugs.
The government controls drugs with goons, guns and grade-school. If we educate people about the real effects of drugs we can at least take away that last one.-Neurorocket
I'm mad as a hatter and a compulsive liar.
Nothing I say is true or should be mistaken for the truth.