I made some progress recently with GVG technique. This time I took it all in one hit. I lay down and closed my eyes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT6J33_-LNwI found myself laying inside a large, spacious, blindingly white dome. What felt like a few feet above me was what I can only try to describe as a brilliant white and simultaneously rainbow coloured hexagonal web, coursing through all colours at high speed. My field of view was wider than normal and I could see they were all surrounding me. The web was alive. A fractalising, self-transforming, living intelligence that I could feel looking into me, although I wasn't sure if it had any eyes, nor needed them. I looked towards my feet and saw they/it were operating on me. If you have seen the kind of mechanical arms in car factories that move very quickly, that was the impression of speed and precision. This entire process and experience happened whilst I was euphoric and filled with awe, love, gratitude and a deep sense of compassion for the entity(ies), and life in general.
The web began to disassemble and fragment in perfect geometric forms until it faded to nothingness, along with the surroundings. I was left awestruck and confounded.