I said "Made" not "Had"..
For the past year I've been trying to figure out why some times Changa doesn't work for me or in other words why there is no connection.
I can feel the DMT within me but it feels like its not activating.
I went through a long list of theories and tests,
Food/Drink consumed
Time of day/night
Phases of the moon
The Weather/Atmospheric pressures
State of mind.
I was heading for the conclusion that it was to do with chemicals in the brain, basically stuff i know nothing about.
I smoke or smoalk Changa with Mullein in a rizla every day.
Recently I was getting excellent results or a connection with evey session. That batch of Changa ran out so I moved onto my blue lotus Changa,which used to be my go to Changa but had started to fail me.
For the next 4 days i smoked blue lotus and it didn't work at all. Yeh the carpet moved if I stared at it and I had some time to mull over thoughts but overall it was a fail.
I then started making new Changas and my first new herb was Heimia Saliciflora (Elixir of the Sun).
Again it wasnt working as desired but i could tell there was some thing special about this herb. It was something different and nice but just not working fully.
Thats when i made the breakthrough.
I realised that the Heimia Saliciflora wasnt burning properly . After its been Changafied it had become kinda like twigs and the joint burned around it.
I then remembered that the Blue lotus wouldnt burn properly either, i'd strain away at the joint and instead of the petals turning to ash they would almost harden.
It could well be that the no connection / activation of the DMT could simply be down to the leaf/herb not burnig properly and therefore no vaping the spice.
So I took 150mg of the Elixir of the Sun Changa and chopped it up really fine, then rolled it into a mullein joint.
It was still resisting burning but eventually I got a big red cherry on the tip of the joint and it started to burn fully, like a ganaja joint.
3 large puffs and it hit me like a sledge hammer, i was seeing proper intense DMT paterns (eyes closed).
This explains why I've never had a problem with Chalipong or Caapi , they are proper flammable ,crispy leaves that love to combust.
Petals or old petals and coarser twig like plants resist burning.
So the feeling of the DMT within me but not activating is just a really low dose of DMT, just enough to move my carpet.
I hope some one finds this interesting.
I guess it might be relevant to you guys who use bongs or sandwich methods and so on.
Happy journeys