Thought I'd share a good one with LSD. At the university, just turned on to the idea of a fourth dimension, and I take my tab. Friends come in the room, general chillin' vibe, friends playing fight night. I look over at my friend, and he's just staring straight ahead. 'Weird', I think, 'he looks mighty concentrated right now. What's he doing?' Well, monkey see, monkey do, so I start staring straight ahead not moving my head. The walls begin to shimmer, and I all of sudden have a thought - maybe I am perceiving the 'waves' as the different possibilities of orientation that an atom can be in, and my mind is interpreting it as moving or shimmering, because it's a motion not yet defined by our understanding of third dimensional reality (altering perception of quantum superposition). This was a result of recently studying energetic waves and our minds interpretation of the vibrating matter.
Suddenly, I realize that my brain and spine look an awful lot like an antenna, and my head goes back as far as possible, mouth wide open. I felt like I was connecting a transmission circuit with my brain and spine, like it locked into place. I hear my friends in the room ask if I'm okay - I find my voice "Yeah guys, totally fine, I promise". I hear another friend say "I trust him, he's going to be okay". I then start to feel like my throat is choking me, or I was having some kind of battle in my throat. Head thrown back full steam. I stay this way for 40 minutes - strangely enough, when one friend was winning in fight night, I felt like my throat was opening - the other, closing. Could be purely coincidental, but I noted this during the experience. I was trying to open it up too.
Finally, it broke. I opened. I remember standing up, and my eyes felt like, how can I explain, like my head wasn't there? Like I was two dimensional in a way? It's really hard to explain this. It felt like my throat was wide open, like I was breathing through gills and not my mouth. I felt so open, so free, yet I was looking at my friends who were asking if I was okay. Yeah, I said, never better.
They then took me downstairs to roll a blunt, and during my time there another friend put on a song by
Styx - The Grand Illusionand these lyrics hit deep:
Quote:So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because you never win the game
Just remember that it's a Grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same.
We're all the same...
Due to past experiences, I had begun to have these experiences of realizing I was infinity in a human being, and this moment it made me realize this fact even stronger. I asked my friends if they knew I was me and we were all the same, but they said "what are you talking about we're clearly different people" and the feeling I received from the way it was said made me feel like I shouldn't go down that road with them any further.
We then walked outside to smoke a blunt. I was asking things like "I feel so free, can I do anything?" And they were saying "yeah sure, anything you want" and I asked if we could smoke in public (you know, because why not, I mean, this is all me, right?) and they said sure.. so they walked me to the downtown street and sparked up the blunt... I suddenly realized we could get in trouble, and I felt something I haven't felt since the start of the experience - fear. I said, "guys, I don't know if I want to do this". I'll never forget what the next kid says to me. He goes "Oh, stoop kid's afraid to leave his stoop". Which is a
Hey Arnold reference, but also pretty strange thing to say given that I was contemplating if I could do what I wanted and being scared to smoke a blunt in public meant I was 'afraid to leave my stoop'.
I don't remember much after this, except they listened to me and we went back. Not sure what they were thinking that night, because they never offered to do that before or after that night. Also a random person from school invited me over right after this experience and wanted to smoke blunts with me and watch fear and loathing... and then interviewed me pretty hard about my experience, somehow he had found out about it. I remember him saying specifically "did the back of your neck hurt a lot after that experience?" and wondering how he knew I felt this strange soreness there for two days.
I do know that within the next week I was using stumbleupon and found this video, which really, really made me ponder what just happened:
Bill Hicks - Positive Drug Story"is this real, or is this just a ride?"