I wouldn't say i felt a mask placed on my face. But i definitely see the two split personalities that each individual shares. That being the "dark" side, which is ego/the shadow, the illusive conception you have of yourself, and the other is the Self, where in your case you see angels and you feel up in the clouds. It's learning how to accept and love the dark side, which enables you to realise it is an illusion, and thus you can let it go, which brings you closer to the source of light, or "good" side, who you truly are deep deep within. I personally see in the light side, pure gold and white light, shining within whilst showering me from above, the dark side, i see lusty sexual entities, whom look evil and try to scare me, but i realised that they are a reflection of my mind, if i am focused, deep within myself, none of those entities scare me, as they are just manifestations of thought which i can observe in peace and serenity, and they will dissolve in their own time via observation without attachment.