Hey thanks for the speedy feedback.
I've had a good year documenting most of my journeys. One of my most profound experiences was when i had the chance to interact with the golden archetype. Ive seen him referenced on here as King Muubalo. Now on a good journey I like to come back not remembering a thing. I place surveillance near my alter so I am observed when i travel. After I land, I watch the video tape. I try to force myself not to be entertained by the high pitch or visuals. I try to be the communicator. Surveilling myself helps me with my memory and recollecting the events that just ensued. After this particular experience While watching the tape i was speaking in a native tongue and trying to describe what i was seeing. I was able to mimic this entity's robotic movement with my own limbs. The tongue sounded like i was trying to describe the mathematical equations from the chalk board of good will hunting.
While watching the tape I was able to relive the experience. The visualization was that of a man who represented the stone statues on easter island or the 'Maoi' only every shape, and visualization was that of Gold. He was held together by mathematical equations.
After re watching the tape I found it interesting that the statues are called MAOI, I wonder if this has been referenced before, That the statues are named after our an inhibitor that opens up the gates for travel.
This single experience made me feel like i was Indina Jones on a quest to obtain true knowledge.
Its tough being a loner hopefully I can add to the community with my experience and have a better understanding of my spice of life.
I have well over 100 experiences documented this year alone. I video tape, I take pictures, I take detailed notes. Today I will be going on a journey. I will place a makeshift headband that i created. I installed magnets into the headband. I like having charged magnets on my body prior to my journey.
For 10 minuets prior to lift off I will be reciting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo From the lotus sutra. 5 mins before lift off I will practice pranayama yoga breathing.
This is the equipment i will use for today's journey.
Any feedback on my ritual would be helpful. What are the thoughts on the glassware?