my frog is attempting to make a semi pure nausea free drink for a festie he is attending and would like to know if by following the below procedure a nice mescal tea can be created that lacks any significant body load.
despine thorns and peel skin, discard both (?)
discard white inner core
defat with high grade ethanol (?)
freeze cacti (?)
add citric acid saturated water and cook for 2-4 hours
filter cactus chunks through t-shirt
drink thick cactus juice
here are the questions I can't answer myself:
1. does the outer peel contain actives that should be extracted?
2a. would the alcohol defat be worth it? (in terms of removing nasties)
2b. would the alcohol defat remove any mescalines?
2c. if 80% ethanol was used to defat, would the 20% water remove any mescalines? (Before the water is acidified)
3. is freezing the cacti before acid cook necessary?
anything else thrown my way would be gobbled up with much haste, I am hungry for cacti consciousness.
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