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Psychoactive Plant Blogs and Podcasts Options
Morris Crowley
#1 Posted : 7/15/2014 7:36:38 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 68
Joined: 17-Sep-2012
Last visit: 13-Feb-2018
Anyone have recommendations for blogs or podcasts to follow that deal with psychoactive plants?

I have not had much luck finding any good podcasts on the subject. Are there some out there that I'm missing?

  • Rak Razam's In a Perfect World His interviews are usually really interesting, but he deals a lot more with people and the cultural paradigm, only occasionally touching deeply on the plants themselves. Kind of like Fresh Air for psychedelics.
  • Lorenzo Hagerty's Psychedelic Salon Where Rak does interviews, Lorenzo plays lectures from people in the psychedelic community. A lot of Terence McKenna, but there's other stuff too, like talks from the Palenque Norte tent at Burning Man. Again, it's rare that an episode digs deeply into the plants themselves.

Again, I know there must be others out there, but here's a couple to get started.

  • Justin Brower's Nature's Poisons Brower is a forensic toxicologist and research paper junkie with a lot of interesting things to say about psychoactive plants. I just discovered this blog recently, and I'm impressed. While he says he has not and has no intention of using visionary plants, he finds them fascinating and takes an enlightened view on the harms caused by the war on drugs. For a taste, check out his recent posts about Hawaiian baby woodrose, khat, and an obscure hallucinogenic worm. Highly recommended.
  • Steve Beyer's Singing to the Plants Only intermittently active since the publication of his book (also called Singing to the Plants), Beyer deals mostly with ayahuasca-related subject. Usually thoughtful, thought-provoking, and well-informed.

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#2 Posted : 6/13/2018 10:17:16 AM

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PsillyRabbits i'm finding very interesting so far. Also the presentation is very down to earth with no "i'm the best neo pagan owl shaman" - stuff thrown in which is quite pleasant. Smile
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