Hey ya'll, time for another post.
Back at the university, I was seeking answers to questions and sought entheogens to help bridge some gaps in my perception. On this particular occasion, I was thinking about the big one, what were we doing here, what was going on, what is the craziness for.. and I was in a dorm room that was a mess, on my top bunk, closed doors and on a rather mild dose of a psychedelic compound. My room was a mess which stressed me out, I closed my eyes, my mind was racing... and then it happened. I've never had a 'vision' before, since this was different then dreaming or third eye daydreaming, I mean this was an image that took over my vision.. and what I saw was the Earth, and blue light came from hyperspace and 'seeded' the Earth, I don't know how else to explain it. At that moment, my mind translated the image and the best I could come up with was "we call come from the same thing"... how do I explain, we are all eyes connected to the same computer? It was the most mind blowing realization, because what it means is that.. every person, everyone, is me, and I am you. This has been the most difficult concept to integrate, because I think at the soul level this is true, yet I feel like a lot of the humans here, err.. myself, I have amnesia? Or something like it.. but look into each others eyes and see yourself/myself there/here.. it's truth. The thing is.. all the pain/struggling seems even worse considering, if this is true, that it was myself who did this to myself, why?.... I tell myself it is to learn.. to teach myself.. to grow and become even stronger.. but sometimes it gets to be a bit too much. I guess I.. how do you say.. have forgotten the safety word? You know, like some dangerous experiment is going on.. and it gets too out of control.. and then you say something or make a motion and it's like "OK he did the signal get him out of here".. yeah.... I, er we, we forgot the signal. So what has happened after some deep realizations and urge to "teach" (yeah, ego disguised as helping others, I know) everyone, being a "Oneness drunk" and just allowing others to walk over me so I could forgive and love, I've sobered up and lately been real focused on taking over. You know, taking on the evil, which is here on this planet, it's some real stuff. No desire to take mind expanding chemicals, I know enough to know it's all here in front of us. We don't have to go anywhere anymore, it's pretty clear what is about to happen the more we tune in..
Also, I've got to ask if any of you are Tesla experts, I've got to talk about something and it might have to be it's own thread.