Another study showing how LSD can promote social bonding or trust in traumatised individuals...
Im very uncomfortable and surprised that such an insightful man could take a dolphin out of water and give it LSD it mustve been terrifying for the poor dolphin and it frankly seems highly unethical no wonder its vocal activity increased! Even so the study produced some interesting results and not all the methods were so cruel, this following exerpt made me smile..
" As the LSD effect came on, forty minutes after the injection of 100 mcg, the dolphin came over to me. She had not approached me before. She stayed still in the tank with one eye out of water looking me in the eye for ten minutes without moving. This was a completely new behavior. I moved around to see if there would be any effect from my movements. She followed me right around the edge of the tank. I moved out of the room, and the assistant moved into position. The same behavior continued. It is a very amazing change in behavior. She will now come within five feet of me instead of staying twenty feet away."
like woaah dude you look so cool right now. I wonder if it gave the other dolphins an experience report.
The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism, edited by Harold A. Abramson, M.D. (Bobbs-Merrill, 1967, pp.47-52.