Hi all,
First of all, thanks for all the feedback and advice prior to my weekend - all good stuff!
So, all in all, I had a rather psychedelic weekend. My friend Tom came up to visit, who has tripped before on shrooms and mesc and a little bit of DMT, but not LSD.
Friday night, Tom and I mostly got into jamming on Rocksmith before settling down for some DMT. Tom didn't want to go full blast off, so we both hit .02 doses (using the parsley as a sandwich, good call there).
Tom ended up smoking the bong, and then fighting the dose, which left him a bit rattled. I went with the same dose, and had a largely pleasant five minutes spinning out on everything morphing. We then got into the discussion of Tom fighting his dose - something which would become a reoccurring theme throughout the weekend.
Tom has a fear, and he knows it's largely irrational, that if let the transcendental thinking get the better of him, his mind would stay wherever he went and not come back. We discussed it after the DMT experience, but it obviously ran deeper than I previously imagined.
The following day, we had the choice of DMT, mescaline, and LSD. Never having done LSD before, Tom opted for that, and I was more than happy to join in. We had a Kerbal Space Program mission planned where we'd use DMT at the start of the trip as a 'solid fuel booster', and then go into the LSD as a main course whilst we were floating around in space. However, Tom decided against the DMT at the last minute, so it ended up being only myself using the DMT to get the trip going.
This time, I packed a .03, which went down smoothly. Once again, I picked Hendrix for company, and while I didn't breakthrough, I still had an awesome time. As I came down from the DMT, I began to feel the LSD take over (we started at 200ug) and we both got into that. As Tom got more and more into the trip, I began to notice what might be at the root and cause of Tom's fear - the ego. Not wanting to let go, whilst not creating a bad trip, was certainly giving the trip an edge. After hitting the peak, I figured that we might as well up the dose so that we weren't trapped between the real world and acid world, and perhaps we can deal with the ego conflict that way.
For the most part, this approach worked. An extra 100ug each put us both firmly in acid world, but yet, Tom was still on edge about falling into the transcendental thinking on acid. This then became a large part of the trip (ie. talking about the thinking and his fear of letting things slide), which kind of chucked a spanner in the works for me as I didn't really get any time to myself to let myself slide away - one of my favourite things about the drug.
One thing I did get the time to do though was to think back to a trip around this time last year, which I'm clearly still unpacking. On LSD, Mandy, a little cocaine, and a an unidentified psychedelic we'd bought thinking it was speed (we didn't know otherwise until I gave it to a friend as speed and set another 5 people off on powerful trips), I had an awesome moment where everything came together, I felt like I'd completed all life, and slid into a state where matter seemed to break down into infinity. My only other strong trip between this weekend and then was an acid trip back in April, where I touched the feeling of last year's trip, but still wasn't able to make sense of it sober. Now, after the 300ug dose, I can now touch that feeling whilst sober, which is immense for me.
I discussed this whole thing with Tom in a bid to get him to understand that you do come back, but he was mostly content with the fact that he was now a ball of energy, so that worked out all right.
However, about 9 hours in, I decided to go with the DMT again. I felt ready to just go for it, and hit a blastoff. But I figured I'd just pack another .03 dose, and see how I got on with it. As soon as I hit it though, I knew it'd been a mistake. I went into cartoon land with the visuals, and while I felt great and loved the visuals, the whole in-depth discussion of Tom not wanting to let go was now preventing me from doing so. I could feel the DMT dragging me, just daring me to close my eyes and let it flow, but for some reason, I just couldn't, and used every ounce of mental power to keep myself in reality. Whilst I wouldn't call it a bad trip, it was definitely a hyperslap to some degree, and I longed for it to be over. When the acid was back in charge, the relief was something immensely profound.
Afterwards, we took a walk to a hill I like to watch the sunset on whilst under the influence, and I thought deeply about the whole experience. Why did I fight the DMT so vigorously? Perhaps I didn't need the breakthrough, having already had something similar a year before which I was only now starting to come to terms with? Maybe it was just the setting, and not wanting to leave Tom alone in this reality?
On reflection, I pondered whether I actually needed the DMT breakthrough, and if I was doing it for any reason other than the sheer experience? With other psychedelics, I took them to better know myself in order to treat my depression, and I'd succeeded. Perhaps I already have all the answers I'd been looking for?
Overall, I had a great time. The new bong worked perfectly for DMT. The first two smaller doses were great. The third dose on acid was also enjoyable in it's own right, albeit in a more nerve racking sense than I am used to with psychedelics. Tom also very much enjoyed his first LSD experience, and seeing as my role here was more to introduce him and guide him through the experience than to revel in it myself (perhaps another reason for the misfire), it was very much mission accomplished. I would say though, I can't recommend combining DMT with acid in any form though. While the starting dose went fine, it did significantly shorten my trip. Tom went from 1 PM to 6 AM - my visuals were pretty much dead by midnight (any other nexus types had their trip shortened by DMT?)
That said, I feel I need to spend more time developing the link that's now there in my head to that infinity state I experienced last year. I will more than likely do DMT again, but I think I need to give it a couple of months at least to really dwell on the breakthrough and what it would, or should, mean to me, and my motivations behind it.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”
― Hunter S. Thompson