Hello Nexus!
Well it's been Two years almost to the day since I had the "big one." Now I have had some very powerful and very revealing experiences before but this time was different.
The issue was that I had consumed most of what I had and since it was a gift and I didn't know how to make it, I had to risk it. I had gone so far and learned so much
I was almost there!
So I said to hell with it! I had gone to far to not find what I was looking for, so I dumped the rest of what I had in the pipe. Well folks I can tell you the saying be careful
what you wish for is no joke! It was the brightest white light I have ever seen. It looked like a triangle in a void black space that tho I could not see any depth I could
feel the emptiness like being stretched in all directions at the same time. I felt what infinity feels like! Now this triangle had light just spewing off it some much that
I could hear it like a sparkler only way more intense.
Now the whole time I was there I felt the most intense euphoric feeling I have ever felt. It was like I was whole. I was shown everything, I cant over state this enough I mean
everything that EVER happened everywhere on all planes of existence. Now to describe exactly how I was shown this would take many many words and one might get board so I'll
explain it like this. When we look at a painting like the Mona Lisa our eyes and there for our conscious mind see a woman smiling. The subconscious mind sees something different.
It sees the patterns in the pandemonium and understands the higher message in the painting.
This lasted about two min or so, but the amount of information I had received was so vast that it's effects are still being felt today. IT is a lot to decompress and still I remember
more and more as time goes by. After I was shown this, the triangle began to fade back into the emptiness and disappear. I remember feeling the most terrible feeling of loneliness and sadness.
Anyone who has ever lost someone close knows this feeling.
The loneliness and sadness turned into fear upon realizing that I was all alone in the void. I tried but couldn't make any vocalization to give any kind of reference point to focus
my attention on. After what felt like forever the void transformed into what looked like the old Tron game two dimensional and digital. The back ground was black. The bottom of this plain was a literally a lake of 2D digital fire edge to edge. The color of the fire was a bright neon green that you could almost hear. The tips of the fire where blood red and would
occasionally leap up in little flickers just like here.
Now here is where it really started to hit the fan. Out of the lake of fire rose up a gigantic hand and arm. The hand was 2D digital and green. It was the most terrifying demonic
looking thing I have ever seen. About the same time I realize what I'm seeing this evil sounding voices says yells "I WILL DESTROY YOU!" At this point I thought I died and gone
straight to hell game over! I screamed out GOD NO PLEASE, and I opened my eyes. I was looking out the window up at the sky. I was home now but things weren't all back to normal.
The sky was the same green color in my experience, all the walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, everything even the air it's self was green! This slowly faded as I recomposed my self.
I was sitting in my chair sweating like crazy when something very strange happened. I felt a very strong prescience in the room with me. All the air was sucked out of the room.
All was still there was no noise no vibrations of any kind and I felt the same feeling I felt in the void. My point of view had shifted I was now looking at me from behind slightly elevated and to the left.
That's when I saw it. Standing behind my body sitting in the chair was a being that looks just like the "dmt guy" holding the pipe you see everywhere. Once I realized what I was
looking at my point of view shifted back inside my body. As soon as this happened the being grabbed me by the neck and shoved me forward so that I was now looking at the floor.
At this point a red dot like a laser pointer appeared in front of me on the floor. The being then begin to rapidly twist my head back and forth so fast that it's like time slowed way way down but my head was moving super fast. The head shaking stopped after only a few seconds, but I was still held down and the red dot was still shining on the floor.
Laying on the floor next to my foot was a empty Coors light can. The red dot began to move back and forth chaotically over the can. It then moved slowly across the floor to my left over a Coors light baseball cap I had. The red dot did the same thing over that hat. I did have a drinking problem... I haven't been drunk since, I can't hardly even drink the stuff any more. Now by this point I was going absolutely insane with fear, this thing had crossed a boundary I didn't think it could cross. It didn't stop there tho. This being has the ability jump into other people. They are completely unaware when it happens they remember nothing of the conversation the being and I have. It is absolutely seamless.
Two separate stays in the psych ward (at the behest of concerned family)and a whole lot of introspect latter it finally sunk in. I had seen the eye of God and I had seen the hand of doom, and the DMT had destroyed me. The old me was gone. Slowly but surly I have built my self back up. The effects of the DMT are still being felt. I am continually and permanently upgrading my temporary hard drive. I realize now that they are me and I am them. A close friend once asked if I regretted the hospital stays, losing my job, almost causing my wife to leave my crazy ass...
I said NO not one bit and I'd do it again in a hart beat.
I once heard it said "to know the mind of God, is to know the mind of madness." All life is a dmt experience. A beautiful journey of complete madness. What is truth for me is not necessarily truth for the reader, nor do I claim to know what truth even is. I hope the reader enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed shearing
"Who is this that darkens counsel by words without any insight?
How do you feel still not alone a cold suspicion is starting to grow?
How do you feel still not alone? Animism of wisdom is our only hope."
--Rubedo-- Massa Confusa Job