They do thrive in this climate pretty well syntheogen, i'm one state away from you in Al. I have 3 Hostilis and 2 Ophthalmocentra plants in the ground and they are doing really good after only planting them in the ground last month. Of course though, they're about a year old, started em' all from seed except for one Hostilis which i bought, and had em' under fluorescent lighting till last month when i planted em' in the ground and they've been loving it outside
I'm hoping to one day also grow Arenosa if i can just find some seeds that aren't on STS (cuz i don't really have anything to trade).
But yeah, they love this climate, and i love that they love it.
Edit: Btw, they love plant food. I use Expert all purpose plant food that has 15% nitrogen and potash with 30% phosphate. I've noticed that if the Hostilis's leaves start yellowing and dropping off, i give them some plant food and they perk right on up and grow like crazy lol.