A friend wants to try to extract using Jasco as his nonpolar. Is there any danger of using it without distilling the DCM from it? Copper is expensive around here.
He would do as follows.
Let bark soak in a pH 3 solution for 2 days, no heat. After the soak(or should he do it during?) SWIM was going to add a lot of Vitamin C inplace of Zinc to de-oxidize. Basify with NaOH and pull with Jasco. Pool the xtracts and let them evaporate FULLY(Jasco has methanol in it). Then SWIM was going to take what he ends up with and Re-xtal at room temp with hot heptane, sucking out any goo on the bottom with an eye dropper.
Would the Re-xtal get rid of any impurities brought through with the Jasco?
SWIM had bad results with Naptha and wants to use a solvent DMT is more soluble in.
He is also worried that since Methanol is polar and miscible in water the DMT will chill in that and never come out of the basified soup. I think these worries of his are off base because of the pH involved but wanted to make sure.
If he were to distill the Jasco would a common setup like distilling water work? He was going to fill a big pot and put it on a hotplate. In the pot a smaller container placed in the Jasco to collect DCM that will collect and drop into it. Was going to use an inverted pot lid with ice in it. The only thing that worries him is that the lid has a plastic knob on it. He doesnt want the distilled DCM to melt this plastic.
Thanks for any help! He mainly wants to get away from N-Oxide because his last batch had ALOT of it, almost all brown goo. He has a feeling his evaporation process caused it though because Naptha was used as the NPS.
Thanks for any help you all can offer.