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How Did DMT Change You? Options
#1 Posted : 5/21/2014 3:34:51 PM

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As a young kid i started with psychedelics, by accident actually, i was 15, me and a friend went for our weekly bicycle ride

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So on our way back home i started to eat, after 20 minutes i felt nothing and ate almost 3/4 of the bag before the effects finally kicked in.

That night probably changed my personality for good, i went trough different stages from euphoria to intense fear, but my mind, the way i thought changed.On the border of schizophrenia probably, those endless questions never stopped.

I'm 31 now and since then i had many trips, both bad and good, and i feel they changed me a lot.

They made me far more openminded, humble, compassionate, but also sort of confused, for me reality is an illusion, endless, and infinite, a never-ending loop.Different experiences convinced me of this, it can be a false realization, maybe triggered by Buddhist and Hindu texts, but i've been to places that i just KNOW i've been before, not once, but thousands of times, an ANCIENT state of consciousness, i've talked about this before on other forums, but no one can really tell much about it.

They felt like coming home again, i forgot about them from the moment i was born, but from the moment i came back i remembered, i'm back, again...finally. these where always ego death experiences.

Now, to be honest, on DMT i have never had an experience that changed my life, i've read a lot of amazing DMT trip reports and i always wonder if those experiences contributed something to their lives/personalities.

I always wonder how freebase DMT can affect you in the long run, i probably never had the right experience, or it would be self explanatory, i understand how Ayahuasca can do it, it's a long experience, but i can't really see what exactly DMT can do to change someone in the long run, transform their personalities.

If you want to give me a little insight how (freebase) DMT was beneficial for you, how it changed the way you behave and live, i'd be grateful.

"Be Here Now"
“The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.”

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#2 Posted : 5/21/2014 4:40:52 PM

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I'm sure that like everything, it's very different for many people but freebase DMT and Changa have indeed given me insights into how I need to change.

DMT opened my eyes in the most dramatic way and lead me to realise that we are all the same soul living in relative points of consciousness. The knowledge that I have brought back from my trips is that I am both you and I, I am the plants around me, I am the pets I keep, I am my room-mates, my friends, my girlfriend and likewise they are all me. As such, I care much more than before for plants in particular. I was never someone who paid much attention to them though I had a spark of interest when I was still in high school and interested in biology and environmental sciences.

Since my DMT experiences though I have begun a process of removing myself from the materialist side of the world which has always fed my anxiety and I have the goal of living almost entirely from permaculture practices, my thinking is that once I have that food and energy source behind me I will be able to focus more on the things that make me whole (Music, relationships, family, art, pursuing hobby's and interests more in depth etc.) and spend less time being bogged down in a series of "real" jobs that I hate and are bad for my mental health.

This desire obviously existed in me in some form or another but the lessons I have accrued from smoking DMT have given me the courage, and the spiritual motivation to put them into effect.
#3 Posted : 5/21/2014 5:22:32 PM

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Man, seriously?

I learned exactly the same (the oneness part that is) during a long acid trip where i kept asking myself what the meaning of life is, kept analyzing it over and over again, my head felt like exploding.I was surely mad at the moment.

It's amazing that so many different people realize the same thing through different ways, even meditation gave some people the exact insight: we are ONE!

I am creating you, you are creating me, everything we know is my creation, everything we know is your creation, we are all ONE energy, the manifestation of GOD.

I am you, i am my parents, i am the person i hate the most and the person i love the most, and so are you, we share the same soul, the same infinite energy.

The moment i had that realization i was sure i've done it, there is NO way a human can live his/her life as he/she used to with this realization, we are one, and everything we know is an illusion, Maya.Which i'm pretty sure is correct, the mother of Buddha (Maya), the mother of Hermes (Maia), the mother of Jesus Maria, which comes from mar, which means sea, the sea is a symbol of illusion.(Maya).

How did you come to that insight, have you done psychedelics before DMT?
Can you elaborate a little on that please?

I'm always madly intrigued when people come to the same insights and how they came to them.

Your transformation was obviously life changing.
"Be Here Now"
“The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.”
#4 Posted : 5/21/2014 5:35:35 PM

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we may all have different accents or dialects but we still understand each other. the same is true for psychedelics. they differ in chemical composition but have similar effects on us. so it doesnt matter what our particular choice of active ingredient is. if it works it works. and we know it when it works.

but, yea. smoked DMT is too quick and hectic for me. slow and deep suit me better. or combination. my favorite is to have a hit at an LSD peak. but to be honest that is more of a fun thing to do. which is also good, imho.

so how has DMT changed me. perception. seeing the world differently, like for the first time. but as Makyo says its nothing that I have not got from acid (which is my personal favorite).
#5 Posted : 5/21/2014 6:50:18 PM


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I find it hard to say. I have changed so much since I first found DMT seven years ago. My experiences with this substance have been some of the most eye opening and profound of my life without a doubt. I always liked how rapid vaporization is! I have what I was always looking for with me in my moment now. In some ways I am the same person. In other ways I am very much not. Sometimes I think I've just aged, other times I think that what I have done has made me an outcast.
#6 Posted : 5/21/2014 7:33:43 PM

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Not to go off on a tangent but DMT did help me find this amazing community of outcasts *cough* amazing people.
#7 Posted : 5/21/2014 9:22:19 PM

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The most noticeable change for myself is acceptance. This is in both acceptance of myself and also others. I am a lot more tolerant of what I see as other people's downfalls. I credit this acceptance to the use of psyches in general but more specifically in the fact that I feel we are all connected in immense ways.

I am much more relaxed and happy in life now as I believe 100% this life is absolutely not the beginning nor is it the end. With this belief comes a sense of privilege that I have been allowed to, and have access to, glimpse at what lies beyond/before.
You don't need your eyes to see, nor your skin to feel.
#8 Posted : 5/22/2014 12:51:35 AM
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Well, how it TRIED to change me is very interesting. The experience is very much an in-your-face experience for me. And I get direct tutoring from parts normally unconscious. The lessons I have gotten are often direct and to the point. It has even given me answers to specific question I have regarding relationships as if given from a higher perspective. Although, I'm wary with that because whatever spoke to me at that point would rather have me not bother it with such 'trivial egocentric' questions (the way i posed the question might have been instigator for that,though). It has shown more interest in showing me parts of body and mind that need healing. It's main advise seems to be Yoga and Breathing. The short-ness of vaped DMT is sometimes slightly disappointing since I have not broken through or anything. But one of it's lessons that it showed me is the experience of being pure Breathe and Chi. The voice said that some people are able to prolong the DMT experience for indefinetely by focusing on this Breathe/chi. And in fact, Sasha Shulgin mentioned having a 70 year old friend who is able to prolong the experience for up to 2 hours.

But like I said. I'm not there yet. Despite that the use of DMT made attempts to change me. The actual change experienced is subtle. But I know it's there. Pleased
#9 Posted : 5/22/2014 8:02:48 AM
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My first wave of experiments with dmt I feel like I received some sort of free pass. Sort of like a welcome back, nothing was asked of me. Come on in this can all be yours (and let me say it was grand beyond belief). Then it became clear I needed to make some changes. These negative influences I allow into my life not only bring me down but also those around me. The details of these are inner personal and I wont get into here, but I feel like I'm set on a path to accomplish them. As for the spice, I've totally stopped using it for now, going back in would be like looking into the face of god and having to hang my head in shame. Someday soon I hope to accomplish what I need to and go back, and perhaps if I begin to lose inspiration I'll go back anyways.

As for the OP, yes, both in my teens when using lsd, and now with dmt, I felt that this otherside of life was far more familiar to me then my own current life (as if I been there many times before).
I Am Not Someone Who Isn't Me!
#10 Posted : 5/23/2014 6:12:32 PM

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Thank you all for your responses!

It's conspicuous how much the positive effects of freebase DMT have in common with other psychedelics.

The learning experiences i had on LSD and Psilocybin have made me a far more humble person, i accept all beings, no matter what religious or cultural background, no matter what sexual orientation, no matter how they look or how they live, as long as they're good human beings i don't judge, everyone has equal chances, i try not to be prejudiced anymore.

This is self evident for some people, but it wasn't for me at least, i have still a lot of anger in me unfortunately, even though psychedelics made me a FAR more humble person, i can still get pretty mad at how ignorant people are and chose to be, i should feel more compassion, but that's something to work about, i'm not a Buddha or a Lama, i'm a person with flaws.The world has the potential to be such a beautiful place, the key to it all is LOVE, just as simple as that.

On mushrooms or LSD you have a long time to think, on DMT you go right in there, with more or less the same mindset, there's no time to analyze, i don't try to think until the experience is at it's end anyway, so it's amazing that an experience so short can have such an imprint on the human psyche, without having to analyze things for hours on a row.

Personally i don't think i benefited from such experiences yet, i haven't had a real life changing breakthrough either, so i might not be ready for it yet.

In the years i had DMT i've only used it about 30 maybe 40 times, i can't tell for sure, it was always with me, but i didn't feel the need to do it that often, maybe my time will come for me, if it does i'll write an elaborate report about it.

Thank you all for your contributions, it means a lot, and please don't hold back now.
"Be Here Now"
“The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.”
#11 Posted : 5/23/2014 6:26:24 PM

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۩ wrote:
I find it hard to say. I have changed so much since I first found DMT seven years ago. My experiences with this substance have been some of the most eye opening and profound of my life without a doubt. I always liked how rapid vaporization is! I have what I was always looking for with me in my moment now. In some ways I am the same person. In other ways I am very much not. Sometimes I think I've just aged, other times I think that what I have done has made me an outcast.

This is a very good interpitation to what I went through, acid helped but never gave the full picture, it just left me with more questions, but dmt is unexplainable, its just one of those things you need to find out for yourself. When you vape it its like a rocketship blasting into orbit and leaving the world behind, but you dont forget who you are under these events. With shrooms er acid, its a slow come up, u can lose yourself in these come ups but never had it happen to me, exept the first time i did shrooms which wasnt bad, but the first and last time i did salvia i thought i was in a coma.... sucked. The first time i smoked dmt i felt the potential it had, it made my wooden floors flow like a river, "if i smoked more.." is what i thought. After that i did, an broke threw, everyones different in there own ways with chemicals to find there own ways. My Favorits are Shrooms, LSD, an good DMT

#12 Posted : 5/25/2014 11:54:13 PM

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drugs and I have brushed shoulders on occasion, but nothing interesting has ever happened between us. It's so easy for most, it seems like, to find and experiment with substances. not me, I hear about them but they never cross my path. I've never experienced dmt, but feel absolutely ready for it, if / when it does come.
so far it has changed me indirectly, in small ways, in a manner of speaking 'changed', through this forum and all the spectacular people whose lives it has ignited and pushed into view.
#13 Posted : 5/25/2014 11:59:20 PM

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It is a wonderful, frightening, loving, disiplining, substance that demands respect, its that kind of case....

Its probably time to try?

If not, keep researching till you get comfortable with the idea of it but it is reccomended.
And try to extract it, its soo rewarding to you and the ones you choose to share with!

Happy Travels!
#14 Posted : 5/28/2014 10:22:08 PM
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Smoking one hit of freebase dmt changed me forever. It showed me that souls, spirits and the afterlife may well exist after all. It has opened my eyes to many things. It told me that all of us on this planet are connected somehow. Even our pets, wild animals, plants, the earth we walk upon, it could all be connected as some form of mass energy or consciousness which we are all a part of too. Where once before I was close-minded and dismissive of certain things, now I am more patient with other people and I am calmer in myself. I am willing to listen to people's opinions now and be more receptive to their ideas. I'm more at peace with everything, the world, and myself. I no longer feel as if I'm racing blindly through life, I'm happier to take my time, be patient, observe and listen. I feel more empathy for people now and it's made me a kinder person. The simple things in life make me happy now, like the sound of birds singing, the view at the beach, or playing with my dog. Whereas before I found dmt I was living life in the fast lane, 100 miles per hour, in full rock n roll mode, baby! So yeah, I hope this helps. Smoking freebase dmt can be beneficial and definitely change a person forever. It has to be respected though. I was lucky and had good friends there to sit and watch over me. Without them I could have had a hard time coming back to reality afterwards.
Parshvik Chintan
#15 Posted : 5/30/2014 7:53:28 AM

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it turned me into a deluded hippie
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#16 Posted : 5/30/2014 10:35:39 AM

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certainly it confused the f* out ouf me.
Merged me together,
raised my eyebrows,
made me smile,
made me cry,
made me laugh,

whatever these sensations did to me, I don't have rational understanding, nor can I conclude what it has done to me.

elusive illusion
#17 Posted : 5/30/2014 11:52:06 AM

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As I have abstained from DMT for a couple of years, I don't think it's had that much impact on me. Not compared to other more externally prominent changes, thats for sure...


I know if I smoked some right now it would ring an alarm. An infinite cascade of forgotten memories would come rushing back. All the pieces would fit and I would be in of realisation and wonder of all that is and it would tie in significance in a way my untrained 3rd eye couldn't possibly fathom in this moment.

Emotionally I'm in a better place now than when I last vaped. But I want to be in a much better place before I continue on that path.

Now if I bumped into someone I knew as a child and they asked me "what the eff happen'd lad!?" ... The mushroom would be of much more prominence to the story Smile
#18 Posted : 5/30/2014 3:08:45 PM

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Smoking freebase dmt for me was like the final fronteer of psychedelics.

Before it, I had experimented and worked with mushrooms and lsd (among other things) for many years on an on-and-off basis. Probably my first LSD and my first shroom experience were the ones that had the most impact on me, simply because of the unexpectedness of how much more to this human experience there was than what I had thought. When I finally crossed paths with DMT I had already gone through all the initial psychedelic revelations and realizations of one-ness, of divinity, of perceptual realativity and new age metaphysics. And yet DMT was able to add something to all this.

I can't say what it is, I have never been able to put my finger on it. It was something subtle but important. I felt like it had sparked something that only in time unraveled and grew within me. Of course it is difficult to separate from all the other things that were going on at that time, the other medicines I took... But I remember feeling this tiny shift inside of me, and I was certain that it made a difference.

In the end I completely changed my life (country, job/carreer, language, hopes) and I would say DMT was one of the catalysts for this change. It was DMT and other psychedelics that accompanied me on the prelude to the change, but once the decisions were made I no longer felt attracted to them, and have hardly had any desire to take them since.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
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#19 Posted : 5/30/2014 5:09:02 PM

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I don't see it as a change, it expanded me and my personality. I focus more, try to get the most out of everything. I'm high on life everyday, sometimes enhanced with weed.

It blows my mind every time I smoke it and feel like a time traveler from the future, all though i'm not a hippy, I understand that we are a symbiosis with plants, nature and the cosmos, which makes it very very easy to feel connected with my environment.
Don't get me wrong I still eat meat, after all we are the highest in the food chain, but we really should treat all life with respect and the same way you would want to be treated.

Also i'm very happy it brought back the mysterious possibilities (entities) and that it is 100% sure we don't know sh*t, which took away the dullness from my adult life.

It should be a human right to expand and explore your consciousness, people hooked on culture are being held prisoners in their own mind with the imaginary boundaries created by governments.

I used to be an atheist, but when people ask my religion I say "nature and the cosmos".
As far as respect for the molecule goes, which I took very seriously the first year... but after all I think its all bullshit, I will vape and blast off anytime of the day.
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#20 Posted : 5/30/2014 5:22:54 PM

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Once again, thank you all for your contributions! Smile

It's really interesting for me to see the differences, yet the thin red line going through it all.

Some people assign the positive effects the experience had on their lives directly to DMT, others to other psychedelics, but the thing that stands out is how we all experienced the SAME changes.

We have all become more open for others, more patient, more accepting, we have all come in touch with our higher selves through psychedelic experiences, whether it is DMT or other hallucinogens.

I personally completely understand Enoon when she said he stopped taking psychedelics, i have also quit taking psychedelics for over a year, i thought i got everything out of it that i could, especially from my last encounter with LSD.
But my interest in hallucinogens was triggered again, all that time i had DMT in the freezer but didn't touch it, now i'm ready to explore again

I never had any long term effects from DMT, it's mushrooms and LSD that did it to me, but i can see how the same connectedness, the same ancient soul, energy, source of all being we all come from, God if you like, was awoken in our minds through the use of hallucinogens, which can only mean they are true tools to show us the right path, the path to life.

I think i'm ready to return to that path and dig a little deeper once again.Smile
"Be Here Now"
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