I have the material.
But I am afraid. Every experience I have had is pure inspiration, except one, it was full of awful 10th dimensional faces, with teeth showing, growling. Mad at me for whatever reason, I think I know why but it's easier to ignore.
You see my first experience is a part of what made me more grateful for life, giving me an understanding that there's more than I can physically and mentally recognize. Much needed because I lost hope in the regular.
Though so much of it all makes me wish I waited longer to receive some type of worldly grounding, but if it's happening now it must be meant.
They say it's the dawn of a new age, but it feels like a repeat.
I need to make sense of who I am and why, but the more I explore the more confusing it gets.
This is my introduction. I am happy you talk to you all, you partially made me, I just wish their was guidance beyond the default right and wrong our conscious minds piece together.
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Does anyone in the scene really know what this means or do they just rage for the sake of raging their own conciseness?
I feel like I've been around forever with nothing to show for it. But what is there to show?
I have nothing but I also have everything, it's odd how our lives differentiate and how we view these differences.
I don't know what to do but I know I'm one of the innocent, wrapped in a world of tragedy, I look for what I love but it's all unacceptable.
I love you, and I hope you love me, without we're lost in hate or misunderstanding.