PRE-CONDITIONS(Mind)Set: Meditated 30 minutes prior to induce calmness but being my first experience with shrooms there was a bit of anxiety here and there.
(Physical condition) Set: Well rested, comfortable.
Setting (location): At home alone (no sitter), most of the trip was indoors, though a good portion of the peak was experienced on my rooftop. It was on a flat roofed spanish bungalow style home, lots of space. I had set up blankets and pillows an hour prior to dosing so I could stargaze during the trip.
Time of day: Consumed roughly at 11:11pm, clear night sky, was taken at this time hoping the onset would take place during the strike of midnight for the new year of 2014.
Recent drug use: No medications, some cannabis consumed few days prior.
Last meal: Fasted for about 6 hours, can't recall last meal but it was light and vegetarian.
Body weight: 80kg
Known sensitivities: None
History of use: First time consuming shrooms. Few experiences with mdma at raves, pretty frequent cannabis use (including a few fairly strong trips with edibles).
BIOASSAYSubstance(s): Dried mushrooms, exact strain unknown.
Dose(s): Eyed the dose, roughly 1.5 - 2 grams.
Method of administration: Consumed orally. Just chewed 'em up.
EFFECTSDuration: 4-5 hours.
First effects: Head space change, things felt wider and more spaced out, similar to cannabis. Mind racing with thoughts and increasing bodyload reminded me of mdma onset. Slight case of the giggles, might have just been out of excitement.
Peak: 1 hour into the trip, lasted roughly 2 hours.
Come down: As the peak began to fade, physical sensations were almost all gone, alertness, restlessness and mind racing thoughts continued for another hour until I fell asleep. Felt perfectly normal the next day, no afterglow or negative feelings either.
Baseline: Around 4-5 hours after dosing.
REPORT I climbed up a ladder to my rooftop, where I had an hour before set up a blanket to lay down and gaze at the night sky for the annual event that was to come. My body began to shiver and vibrate, whether from the bitter wind or from the fungi that was now coursing through my veins, I could not tell. With only seconds left before the new year, I laid down and stared into the depths of space. My peripheral vision displayed blurry silhouettes of trees dancing and the billowing smoke from fireworks that had burst moments too soon. As I laid there looking at the diamonds in the sky, I noticed the north star was glowing with such a luminosity that I could not avert my gaze. My view was transfixed upon it because from its core I began to see what I could only explain as translucent tendrils flowing outward. As this was happening I heard the faint sounds of loud music, bursts of fireworks, and cheers echoing in the distance. But I could not pay any attention to it because light years away floating above me, appeared to be some kind of intergalactic entity that had now seemed to notice that I was looking upon it. One of its tendrils seemed to be reaching down to me from the heavens and as I willingly lifted my finger to meet it I felt an enormous sense of alienness. There was no divine spark or miraculous occurrence, but deep down I knew I was in the presence of something incomprehensible to the monkey mind. The diaphanous being began to dim and eventually disappeared.
An attempt to capture what I saw. Painted the day after.
Was I not ready to receive its message or touch? Did I not consume enough of the earthly sacrament? Thoughts raced through my mind as it began to fluctuate back and forth between utter confusion and absolute awe. The trance faded and sounds had taken over once more, as there was now an overwhelming cacophony of noise emanating from foghorns and stereo systems blasting from every direction. Normally this would irritate me but in that moment all I could feel was a deep sense of euphoria and ecstasy, so instead I burst into a fit of laughter. I stayed up there for a while longer before retreating inside and enjoying the last few hours of my journey as I tried to reflect and integrate the experience that had just taken place.
A bizarre happening occurred before me that was as real to me as the mundane happenings of daily life. Though in retrospect i feel i have learned something very deep, I do not claim to know more than anyone else. In fact in the hours that followed I learned that I nor anyone on this planet knows anything about the true nature of reality. All I can gather is that I barely scratched the surface of another dimension that is always there, waiting for anyone bold enough to come in contact with it. My mind has been reset and I feel reborn, eagerly awaiting to see what this new year has in store for myself and the rest of humanity.
Just a little something I painted recently as I've been sensing the call to return to the stars.
EXTRA COMMENTARY:As this was written almost 5 months ago, a few of my views and ideas on the trip have changed, though I wanted to keep the trip report preserved in it's original format. I'm simply more skeptical as to what exactly I saw that night, I'm always happy to hear other's thoughts on it. I've been fairly quiet about it as the few people I've told either had no experience with the fungi themselves or simply thought I was just "tripping".
Whatever that means.
ॐ Thanks for reading! ॐ