Hello mfmeitbual! It is great to see more intelligent minds join the Nexus! I am looking forward to reading your discussions! I feel very strongly about drug education and It's current negative input to the real problems we face with the "drug war".
mfmeitbual wrote:I had researched the substance for 10 years before I ever came in to contact with it. So many people say this, but despite my attempts to seek it out, it is almost as though it found me when it was ready.
I am currently waiting too. This is my 7th year of searching for DMT (through trees, not a dealer) and extracting myself. On and off, because I have been disheartened a few times. But this time no more... You put it nicely "It is almost as thought it found me when I was ready". I'm feeling more and more like this each year, even day lately.
mfmeitbual wrote:When I meet children who are 13 years old (oddly I had an obsession with the number 13 since I was a child) it's hard to imagine that I was so naive and innocent when I first embarked on this journey.
I just thought I'd put in my thoughts on this "13" years old business. In the Amazon, when a new shaman is chosen, it is usually around the age of 13. The boy/girl will be suffering from some form of mental disorder (depression, schizophrenia, high anxiety etc etc), the current shaman of the tribe "initiates" them and they begin their training and life as a shaman.
Tribes have most of their initiations into "manhood" at around the age of 12-13. Hunters bring their young out at around this same age. Not all of course, but a good majority.
I think this age is of importance BECAUSE of these events. For most modern day kids, 12-13 is the "make or break" years. Could this be an "evolutionary hangup"? Could it be that we're not supposed to be sitting down in a class? perhaps the wrong class? hmm
mfmeitbual wrote:I believe governments and legislation have a well-defined purpose in society - it is unfortunate when we, as a species, choose to wield these necessary constructs of civilized society in an attempt to prohibit and deride that which we do not understand. Particularly when the hypocrisy of such legislation (specifically the criteria by which these substances are evaluated) creates an environment where, as I stated, the effects of the penalties are far more damaging than the effects of the substances.
Without spending the next 5 years typing, I will just add what I think the key to all of the problems we face when it comes to being able to freely use our consciousness by whatever means we wish. The key is proper drug education! The way the current drug "education" system is, we are pretty much teaching curious kids(most of us?) WHICH drugs to take and without giving any real information about them. "Don't smoke this! Don't snort that! Don't shoot this!". Well you know what, school didn't make me NOT want heroin, 'Requim For A Dream' did! But only the negative side was taught in that movie.
We need to add ALL psychoactive plants and fungi to the drug education classes and start teaching kids about EVERYTHING involved with taking them! Including current street drugs. What happens to my nose if i snort cocaine everyday for 1 year? What happens to my arm if I shoot up heroin for 5 years everyday? How does it feel? Can you stop being biased and actually teach me about the positive, medical uses of cannibis? Can I sustain a life using my chosen "drug" on a daily or occasional basis? What dose WONT kill me? Why is my head humming after I take Psilocibin containing mushrooms?(ESR woo)... SOOOOOOO many important things we should be teaching our kids!
And at the same time, legalize and regulate. The last thing we need are our kids going out to more drug dealers to buy cocaine and meth... Regulation means clean supply too. So kids can get high the good old fashioned way, steal it from their parents!
mfmeitbual wrote:I do not mean to be derogatory, but I just don't understand what people are thinking when they carelessly ingest something so potent and wonder why it was so overwhelming. In a way, I am happy that they are able to experience it in that manner in hope that they give due respect to the complexity of our nervous system and how quickly our own minds can turn against us.
^^ see above
As I said, I can go on for years!
Anyway, I'll stop here for now
Thanks for the good read! I look forward to hearing more form you
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