My journey with enthegens has led me here.
Often, I am led into very dark, confusing, paranoid and terrifying places... I still don't have answers to the mind-boggling questions that these trips have ignited, and many of the journeys are left open-ended until I embark on a new one. But, there is just enough magic and intrigue to pull me back in, for better or worse.
Many of these trips I endeavoured up were poorly planned and initated and I feel like I'm constantly trying to make sense of things and put the pieces back together. For the most part, I am able now to take a deep breath and let the mysteries lie, and accept that there is more out there than I will ever know, but I am still confused, and often weigh the pros and cons of my mind, emotions, overall perspectives on life and where I am at as a human being after inviting entheogens into my life.
My first communion with the uni-spice is in the top 3 experiences of my life. I was in the mountains of Switzerland with the girl of my dreams, (whom I, oddly enough, met on an Entheo-trip). The first words when I came back were "this is the best". After that, we decided that it was in our best interest to learn how to bring more of this magic into the world.
The teacher who created the magic for us in the first place gave us an excellent workshop from start to finish. We even tested out the final product....
After my vacation was over, I began to collect the magicians wares and tried my first brew last month.
-I currently lead a very tumultuous and disorganized life. I wouldn't exactly say that I'm happy about it, or that I'm happy with where I'm at as a person either. - I think it's important to put this out there, because the medicine we're all working with, teaches us lessons in very very very different ways than grade school. As always though, it seems everybody on this wave-lenght is trying to move towards some form or another of self-actualization, and since that faithful day on the mountains, I feel like I've been moving more in that direction as well. (despite currently feeling like complete rubbish, I am staying focused on long-term goals, and not impulsively reacing to environment & those around me).
Anyway, after some extreme failures on my part due to impatience & greed & lack of focus... I finally felt like I had produced the same magic material that I first embodied half-way across the world earlier that year - the only difference being the specific herb combination for changa. I tested the product in the wintery forest and had a grand experience that left me grateful for my dog, who is, in fact, one of many etherial guardians
and walked out of the forest 20 minutes later feeling like everything is in it's right place.
But for the past 4 days, I've had a nasty headache... Nasty enough that I took an advil for the first time in 15 years.
I'm guessing that I infused the herbs and with an unclean product, or that the solvent (acetone) is still contained within the herbs (even though I left the container to evap for over 1 week).
So far, Unispice has been a saving grace for me in terms of entheogenic use. It's one that I feel I can EASILY respect and work with and see immediate benefits in my life without the massive confusion and drawn-out half-reintegration that I experience with other complete mind-warping trips.
That being said, I'm trying to stay positive about this head-ache experience. This too shall pass and it's a lesson in thoroughness. But there's still a hefty dose of this changa about and I would hate to see it go to waste. Praying that there's forgiveness in a changa-cleaning tek
I've perused the site quite a bit before deciding to put myself out there, and I'm super grateful for all of the information available. (Unfortunately I didn't decide to read as much as I could have before I faultered on my first synth attempt).
The FAQ, the Health & Safety & Attitude pages are some of the best self-help pages I have seen online. Seriously, some of the stuff to deal with bad-trips and integration is just totally grounded and supportive and spot-on.
Would love some help troubleshooting or pinpointing what's going on or finding potential solutions to this set-back.
Thank you all for your contributions and dedication to whichever pursuits these teachers have lead you to fulfill.