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Root Bark vs TA Options
#1 Posted : 1/28/2014 11:13:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I ate 3g of root bark yesterday and had a pretty bad experience. I felt very sick all day with lots of purging, an elevated temperature and lethargy but minimal ataxia and no tracers and no headache - which is interesting, because microdosing left me with an ever present mild headache/head pressure.

I was surprised by how much wood is contained in 3g (powdered bark from Gabon). I had to use 12 size 00 capsules to cap it all and it was clear to me that ingesting that much wood would place a lot of stress on my digestive system.

I want to continue experimenting with iboga but the root bark is clearly not the way to go for me. I was wondering if extracting the root bark would lead to a less gastrically unpleasant experience or will it not make that much of a difference?

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/3/2014 12:39:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I decided to go ahead and perform an extraction on 3g of root bark.

This is what I did:

1. Soak the bark in 30ml of distilled white vinegar for 24 hours
2. Filter the vinegar using a coffee filter
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 three times
4. Combine the vinegar in a pyrex dish and place in a fan assisted electric oven at 100C until it evaporates
5. Scrape off the residue using a razor blade

I ended up with 360mg of extract.

I plan to combine it with 100mg of commercial TA in capsules, and I will update this thread with a trip report some time this week.

#3 Posted : 2/3/2014 2:45:48 PM

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I took the extract two hours ago. And I feel absolutely great!

I feel energised and a bit excitable, with a pleasant uplift in mood. I also feel slightly spacey and mentally disassociated (but not physically). At this dosage, I don't feel any nausea or unpleasant effects from the extract, which is in marked contrast with my previous experience with the root bark.

I sense that there is more to iboga than just its addiction interruption properties. From what I am experiencing, it seems to me that it possesses a powerful antidepressant action and this is something that should be further researched.

This is a truly multi-faceted plant.
#4 Posted : 2/3/2014 3:21:15 PM

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Iboga has not been used for drug additions in its origin place - Gabon. It is just so great on multiple levels that it also beats drugs addiction.

In my opinion, it is more a medicine for the mind, than just tripping.

I Love iboga
#5 Posted : 2/15/2014 10:31:35 PM

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I found root bark much more taxing on my system than TA, this was at flood dose levels and I think the difference between them becomes more apparent, and it isn't subtle. I found the root bark to induce significantly more ataxia, and I felt feverish at times...it just felt harder on my system during the experience than the TA and much more of a physical ordeal, I have gone much deeper with this dosage wise but it still felt a lot smoother on my system. I definitely felt great after both the root bark and TA experience though, there was a pronounced afterglow, felt like I had been thoroughly physically and mentally defragged and detoxed. Didn't really get this after 1g of pure ibogaine, this seemed to wash through my system much more quickly. So yeah based on my personal experience I think TA is the only way to go (beyond microdosing anyway, root bark works fine for this).

It is definitely a highly multifaceted plant, and my own experience definitely resonates with the powerful antidepressant qualities. It's amazing stuff, and as valuable as all my experiences have been, nothing can really compare to my first flood...so magical.
#6 Posted : 2/18/2014 10:15:44 AM

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Bancopuma, was your first flood with TA or Rootbark ?
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#7 Posted : 3/12/2014 2:16:51 PM

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Hi, soz for the delay in comms! My first flood was all TA (extracted via methanol) with a little pinch of root bark taken alongside it. I hear that the methanol produces a more potent extract gram for gram than vinegar, but the latter may be more efficient overall at extracting all the alkaloids.
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