I had tried smoking salvia (10x-20x) a few times and always when back to baseline would wrack my brain for any memory of that first… zero-th... moment of infinity when one's consciousness is permeated. Since MAOI's in any appreciable amounts are heavily discouraged as dangerous without hefty experience (not my forte), I considered a slight variation - homeopathic.
As I understood it, the homeopathic would preserve the vital essence of the plant without having the physical substance present - so no literal MAO inhibition could take place - cuz these were sugar pills. Seemed safe enough.
Taking things one baby step at a time, I embarked on supplementing with the tamest MAOI homoeopathically that I could find - St John's Wort. 3 times per day, for 3 days, including up to an hour or so before getting myself comfortable in the park after sunset with me pipe, the green goddess and loving soul sitter.
Lo! A beautiful trip with a definitively smoother comedown! The peak experience was of course unique but probably appropriate to the amount dosed, with no discernible MAOI potentiation. But the comedown….. now here I could work with this, I danced through the ectoplasmic trees and rolled on the green grass in the giddy rain. Body ataxia worn off completely, fringe effects and minor visuals still present. I was able to re-integrate slightly better (ha but not completely at all) the experiences that I had been treated to.
This became my preferred method of dosing with sally… over the course of maybe another 8 trips it did seem that the smoothening of the comedown was true.
As to WHY it indeed seemed smoother?
Well every time I used the SJW homeopathic at least in that moment of taking it, I would focus and encourage a smooth psychedelic trip in my psyche. Because I took the SJW 3x per day for a few days, even randomly in the days in-between and in daily meditation I would remember having taken it and would again extend that calm intention forward to the upcoming trip.
So to summitup, I think that the vibrational essence of the SJW homeopathic meshed well with my own personal vibrational affirmation, and the synergy of the two did have an effect.
NB this also did have an affect on mushrooms, they seemed a bit more 'out there' personally yet somehow more comfortingly so. there too, the come down was not jittery and did seem to prolong the soft after effects beyond that of friends who were also imbibing. I am more sensitive than my friends but it seemed to have a real affect, and not negative or paro at all!
I bet SJW as a tea would be alright too.
I'm going to meet DMT well clean of anything extra though!
Blessed breezes….