WARMING! Dunking a flushed cake in any nutrient rich solution will increase the chances of it becoming contaminated.
Hi there
super thrive? no not really, super thrive is a hormonal and vitamin (mainly vit b) supplement, it is great for plants but not so great for fungi.
A great thing you could do (i have done this and it works), if you want to give your cakes some additional nutrition when you dunk then, is dunk them in horse manure water.
You can get horse manure from any horse stables for FREE, they are everywhere, google horse stables in your area and you will find several of them, go there, ask for free horse manure and they will let you take as much as you like, they normally have to pay for it to be taken away!
So get an amount of horse manure, say enough to half fill a 10 gallon bucket, fill the bucket with water about 2-4 inches above the horse manure, give it a good 10 mins stir (ideally do this outside for odor reasons) let it sit for a day, stir, let it sit for another day, stir ... 2-3 days will leach out most of the available nutrients, this process is called steeping.
Strain out all the manure with a sieve, so you just have the manure water left.
Place all of steeped water in a pan (again this is best done outside for odor reasons) and heat up to 140f to 170f, do not go higher than 170f as you will start to sterilize the steeped manure water, we are just pasteurizing it, put a desk fan blowing on to the water and keep the heat constant, reduce the manure water down until you have just enough to cover your cakes. ensure that this process takes at least 60 mins so the manure water is properly pasteurized.
let cool, dunk your cakes in this mold resistant, pasteurized horse manure water for 12 - 24 hours, and then place back in your FC.
if they don't get contaminated, which they shouldn't, you should get a noticeable increase in your flush as apposed to cakes dunked in plain water.
I hope this helps
if you are not interested in using horse manure, you could read CH hell's post on the shroomery regarding additives
CH hells additivesMaybe there is something in his / her post that you could use instead of horse manure.
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention in fact everything I write here is a lie !
I hope in some way, my posts and replies may of helped you, I hope you like what I have said here if not feel free to send me a none flame PM