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First time DMT - Nothing happened - Help Required :) Options
#1 Posted : 1/12/2014 5:49:27 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi guys

So, this didn't turn out as I planned it at all. I will try and do this as detailed as I can for you guys to help me out.

I had did my research for 1,5 months before last night that was supposed to be the night it happened. I had planned a night with my cousin and best friend for a chillaxing time, and for me trying out the DMT. I got the DMT and my little bag with 300Mg looked white/yellowish very fine powder that almost smelled flowerly/sweet. I already had bought the Maple VG to do this with for the first time. The settings and atmosphere was exactly as I had planned it. The only light in the room was a small lamp and the natural light from the open fireplace in the livingroom. My two mates was sitting in the couch in front of the fireplace and I was sitting at a madras in front of the fireplace. As I said the settings was perfect. Atleast for me Smile

I did not have a MG scale so I thought I would just take a very small amount. Respectfully I wanted a dose near 20Mg. I took a knife, dipped it in the bag, so only the edge of the knife was covered in the powder. (As big as a little finger nail).

I had some Vanilla tobacco in the VG as a bed for the DMT. The tobacco was only using 1/3 of the space in the VG. I put the DMT on top of that and tried the first hit. Gently lighting the VG with a torch lighter to melt the DMT, and afterwords went for the big hit. I think the tokes was fine. About 6-7 seconds of toking, keeping it in for 8-10 seconds and then blew it out. It tasted like it smelled. Flowerly I would say, but even though I took some big hits, almost NOTHING happened. I hadn't been drinking or smoking before the DMT, so I was completely sober. The only thing that happened was, that I got a big body high. No more than that. I then again tried to take another big hit, and this time it was like my hands lighted up more and more orange the bigger my hit got. I thought something is happening now, only to get disappointed 2seconds later when nothing happened.

I tried with a new dose. This time a little more than the first time. Again nothing happened. Afterwords I wanted to try the most idiot proof method with the bottle and the tinfoil. I planted what I thought was a even bigger amount of DMT in the tinfoil and lighted it up with a normal lighter. There was almost no smoke in the bottle, and especially none of the thick milky smoke as someone says. The little amount of smoke there was tasted now even more flowerly and also of plastic.

Safe to say that I apperently failed big time with this experiment. So now im left wondering what did actually go wrong, so I can figure out how to do this properly next time.

Was it a big fail of technique, the dose or a third thing?

Please help me figure out why this failed so hard. I mean even with a little amount of DMT, something should happen right? All of the three doses should perhaps has been in the first bowl? so the three little doses has nearly none effect?

I would really appreciate if someone could post a screendump with 20Mg powder DMT on a actual scale with a lighter or something so I can see the difference. Because I think the thing that went wrong was three too small doses.


This was a picture I found that was containing 20Mg of DMT. But I did three doses that amount. Or even a little bigger I would say. Im confused now :S

The next thing for me is to buy a scale, so im not effing up on that part anyways Smile

All feedback is appreciated. Thank you for spending your time reading this.

Thanks guys!

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#2 Posted : 1/12/2014 7:16:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Definitely buy a scale!

Your first experience sounds a lot like mine, maple vapor genie, arc torch lighter, no scale. did (what at the time i thought would be 20mg) 5mg and had little to no effect.

tried multiple more times and still nothing. eventually loaded the entire thing with 100+mg of dmt and had a instant breakthrough (i do not encourage this)

ive got to say one thing about the non-glass vapour genies, if you arent breathing in hard enough and not placing the torch lighter at the correct distance, the dmt can just melt and slip down into the chamber of the pipe instead of actually vaporizing. the technique can take some practice. I say closer to the ceramic filter than you think, and a hard pull until it feels uncomfortable and than ease off from there, perhaps a bed of parsley ontop of the ceramic fileter could help. hold for 30 seconds or as long as you can.

When you exhaled was there visible smoke coming out from your lungs?

I know for a fact that some people arent effected by dmt by smoking it, one buddy of mine took 60mg, smoked it completely properly and had 0 effect. perhaps a maoi would help.

the amount in that picture looks less than 20mg to me, maybe 6-10. this would only give you a confusing head/body high or maybe something else if you are low tolerance. It'd also be interesting to see what your diet was before inhaling although it shouldnt make much of a difference.

My only suggestion is to see if you are infact vaporizing it and not just melting 90% of it and to see if some vapor is coming out, also to increase your dose maybe 2fold.
#3 Posted : 1/12/2014 7:18:15 PM

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I've never had trouble with my vaping technique, so I can't tell you if your technique is bad or not. Are you feeling anything at all from the hit you took, or absolutely nothing? Even a really low dose of DMT will have a pretty noticeable body high with it. Make sure whenever you light it to keep the flame away from the crystals because that is what destroys it. Does the powder quickly turn into liquid when you bring the flame close to it? If it doesn't melt into liquid fairly quickly I'd say maybe you have something other than spice, but if it smells like plastic, and liquefies under the flame fairly quickly then it's probably spice.

I would highly recommend making a gravity bong out of a 2 liter soda bottle, and a bucket. This is the way I recommend to all new spice users because it is very easy, and hard to mess up. Just sandwich the DMT in between 2 layers of herb, and only light the herbs on top until they catch cherry, and then let that do the rest of the job.

Good luck my friend :]
#4 Posted : 1/12/2014 7:46:39 PM
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First of all thank you very much for the response Smile

From the first dose, I got a pretty big body high like I had smoked a couple of joints, but nothing more than that. I had dmt on top of the tobacco that took out 1/3 out of the space in the bowl. I took a quick hard toke to melt the DMT. I screwed off the cap and I could see that the DMT was gone. I think it was already melted into the tobacco. Can you see the DMT when it's melted? Or was it just gone because it got burned?

How would you prefer to melt the DMT before taking any big hits? Can you screw the top off and melt it with a flame directly in the bowl of the VG?

If the amount was just like you said I have probably only had 6-8MG per dose, which I guess isn't enough for a trip.

I think there is alot of technique to the VG just by smoking weed. The first time I tried my VG with weed, I toked so hard that I coughed for a couple of minutes and couldn't smoke on it again. So I stepped lightly and took some deep slow tokes. I think there was some vapor comming out of my mouth but not that much.

I have to figure out if it was too little amount I used, or it was because it didn't got melted the right way.


I melted it by a quick toke on the VG. I didn't open the VG and melted it right at the bowl. Should I have done this instead, and after it had melted, screwed on the top and toked?

There are so many different oppinions on the way to smoke it on a VG, but it would be nice if you could write it in exactly steps on how to smoke the DMT on the VG. After this experience, I just want to be sure next time.

I hope you understand my English and my gramma, since this is not my primary language Smile

Bill Cipher
#5 Posted : 1/12/2014 10:18:15 PM

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Dollars to doughnuts says your hit is pooled up in the bottom of the vaporgenie, underneath the screen. I'd bet if you took off the top now and hit it gingerly with a regular bic lighter, you'd be surprised with what's there.

But yes, do buy a scale. You can't accurately eyeball doses from photos of a different extraction. Crystal density can vary pretty dramatically.
#6 Posted : 1/12/2014 11:57:54 PM
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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Dollars to doughnuts says your hit is pooled up in the bottom of the vaporgenie, underneath the screen. I'd bet if you took off the top now and hit it gingerly with a regular bic lighter, you'd be surprised with what's there.

But yes, do buy a scale. You can't accurately eyeball doses from photos of a different extraction. Crystal density can vary pretty dramatically.

Why do you think that it's stuck in there now? What have I did wrong for it to be in there?
#7 Posted : 1/13/2014 12:10:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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When the DMT gets heated, it melts and melts fast. Then you wouldn't be able to see it for a number of possible reasons. #1 it gets soaked into the tobacco. You might have been getting a lot of tobacco vapor and not DMT. This is why I like to use "inert" herbs. I would vaporize whatever you put in there first, and then put the DMT in. #2 you don't see it because when it melted, it ran off into the neck. #3 you don't see it because ideally right after it melts, it becomes vapor.

It might be stuck at the bottom of your vapor genie if you didn't vaporize it quickly and efficiently enough or if you didn't have a sufficient amount of herbs or other buffering materials (i.e. screens, mesh). It's a common problem with people new to smoking DMT, and as Art said, if you gently use a regular lighter without the ceramic filter, you might just get a whopping lungful of DMT.
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#8 Posted : 1/13/2014 12:10:38 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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this might help

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#9 Posted : 1/13/2014 12:29:32 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks again guys. Really appreciate all the answers.


Perhaps I will try without the cap if there is something in the bottom.

I think I will try the inert method next time then, or perhaps pure DMT in the VG and 5-6 screens. Would that be a better way to do it? No tobacco or herbs to soak it and it would not run into the neck?

#10 Posted : 1/13/2014 1:09:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I would either look into the mesh option, inert herbs or ash. I would add a couple of screens (like 2-3) but unfortunately stacking the screens doesn't increase efficacy. As you add more and more, they start to warp, and then it makes it even easier for the DMT to leak through. The key with these things is patience. The vapor genies can have something of a learning curve to them. I started out with terrible vaping technique, but with each minor element of the process I corrected, the setup would become exponentially more efficient.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#11 Posted : 1/13/2014 1:03:24 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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People have done it, it's just not that effective.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#12 Posted : 2/12/2014 10:37:31 AM
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MooshyPeaches wrote:
ive got to say one thing about the non-glass vapour genies, if you arent breathing in hard enough and not placing the torch lighter at the correct distance, the dmt can just melt and slip down into the chamber of the pipe instead of actually vaporizing. the technique can take some practice. I say closer to the ceramic filter than you think, and a hard pull until it feels uncomfortable and than ease off from there, perhaps a bed of parsley ontop of the ceramic fileter could help. hold for 30 seconds or as long as you can.

Especially this sentence: I say closer to the ceramic filter than you think

I want to avoid melting the spice, but it's hard to find out the exact distance from the ceramic filter and the flame. I also want to use a regular click lighter that can hold it's flame. I thought I melted it last time by using a torch lighter to close to the ceramic filter. Are either of these videos correct regarding the flame distance?

VaporGenie Flame 1

VaporGenie Flame 2

Since the last time I have tried to prepare me for the next time. I have bought some brass screens (couldn't get any steel), and as said earlier in the thread I want to try the inert method by using some screens, inert tobacco on top of that, and after the ceramic filter has been heating up, I will place the spice on top of the inert tobacco.

After reading you guys advices, I think the next time will be more successfull with these "tweaks". Now I just have to be sure about the whole flame application and sucking thing.
#13 Posted : 2/13/2014 8:15:34 AM

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I heat the ceramic up with the torch so that the ceramic starts to glow, then I back off enough for it to almost stop glowing. This is where I keep it, slightly glowing. Now I have the GVG so its much easier to see this happening. I have also vaped just fine keeping the ceramic glowing red hot. I was probably inhaling faster, which kept the DMT from burning.

The second video is correct as far as a reg lighter is concernced. But this is due to the fact that the flame can deposit soot onto the ceramic causing it to get dirty and eventually clog. Different method for a different tool. If you dont heat the DMT up enough it will just melt and run down or some will vape and the rest will melt down.

If you load it, and hit it... afterwards hit it again before loading to make sure you got it all. From the pic I would make the assumption that isnt 20mg. Although others are correct in saying you cant eyeball a dose.
Open your Mind (â’¶) Please read my DMT vaping guide (â’¶) Fear is the mind killer

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#14 Posted : 2/13/2014 8:42:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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The first time I tried a hand held vaporizer was absolutely disgusting and I didn't feel it at all. It smelled like burnt tires and I didn't try it again for another year or so. The second time I tried it though was amazing and an acquaintance served it up for me. There was zero black residue and was almost odorless. I hate to say it but crackheads and tweekers have this skill down to a science. it's really a shame that such a remarkable chemical has these similar qualities in that it must be vaporized the same way crystal meth gets vaporized.

I have never tried a vapor genie because I don't like the idea of stagnant powder, it's gotta rolllll baby.
#15 Posted : 2/13/2014 10:41:37 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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vaping Magic the way you vape meth/crack is not advisable, convection over conduction is the way to go.

GVG are awesome, what do you mean by stagnant powder?

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#16 Posted : 2/13/2014 5:29:03 PM

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Jdn717 wrote:
I have never tried a vapor genie because I don't like the idea of stagnant powder, it's gotta rolllll baby.

Sounds like you have a misinformed reason to not try something.

Stagnant: (of a body of water or the atmosphere of a confined space) having no current or flow and often having an unpleasant smell as a consequence.

If you think about it, in an oil pipe (meth pipe) you have a stagnant puddle. Sure you can roll it around, but it does not do this in the same manner as meth does. The reason you roll the pipe when smoking meth is to spread it out. DMT tends to want to stay more of a puddle, stagnant, and this makes it much easier to burn. Which causes an unpleasant smell.

In a GVG you have nothing but flow. Cool air enters the ceramic piece and is heated, flowing "through" the DMT rather than passing over it. More of it is in contact with a more even heat distribution causing efficient vaporization.
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#17 Posted : 2/13/2014 7:00:21 PM

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I suggest using a different pipe to begin with - I started off with the Eagle Bill Shake & Vape. It's got a small lightbulb style chamber which probably isn't the most efficient vaping method, but at least you can see the spice being vapourised. At least this way, you can rule out whether your spice is a dud or not.

Binary Drool
#18 Posted : 2/14/2014 5:50:57 AM

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You need 5x the amount in the above pic. Use a regular bowl, spread it evenly over some nugget, leaf, packed ash (not packed too tight) and hover the lighter over it until its fully melted. take one massive hit. always works for me.
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#19 Posted : 10/23/2019 2:33:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm having the same problem i have a scale total was 120 mg not all at once that was my total amount. I used this meth head crack pipe thing i did the hole thing and got nothing yes a body high. I did my own extraction fallowed the recipe to the tee. Its the pipe like you say maybe to close.

I made a vape with a bottle and foil paper bottom as I'm writing this had a few hit with bottle vape nothing zip nada nothing.Shocked
I have a heat gun I should of tried it but i use a torch lighter. I extracted a new batch today so I will see what happens. I'm not in a rush to go to space but I know the day is coming when i vape it correct and wooosh of to space. Till then I keep trying. I'm extracting from mimosa bark. Interesting I'm starting to like the taste of DMT weird lolStop Neutral
#20 Posted : 11/4/2019 6:43:49 AM
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Anyone use an Arizer ExtremeQ vape?? Those vape genies seem awfully pricey for something without internal heat and precise temp. Was wondering if I need to do anything special (like need an attachment) with my vape.
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