I like to see other engaging in intellectual conversations and what sparked my interest to this site was the topic of the Great pyramids in Egypt being constructed under water... I never was sold on Catholicism while I attended grade school at Holy Rosary, and the pyramids always struck this doubt into me. Quotes from the show: Family Guy quoting "Believe what I believe, or I will beat you..." "My, that's awfully Christian of you!" have furthered my curiosity. I could never believe that a poly-theistic culture was wrong as I was taught all my life, if this culture was able to construct what they did at that time, or did they? Seeming that we cannot reproduce these great structures with our technology today, everyone has always asked how did they... do it? Who is they? (I apologize now for all of the tangential questions as food for thought.) What seems probable to me is that these structures were created under water using buoyancy to help with the weight of the stones. Were the beings at this time that created these pyramids actually the same size and scale as the Human looking statues? Were beings at this time larger beings? Were we designed beings and our consciousness moves from body to body leading to why the Egyptians preserved organs after death? Was this submerged at one point and now it is above sea level? What energy did this provide, because it seems more like an energy plant than our textbooks tell us... I do not believe it was humans and masses of them with simple machines and tools... Wrong! It sounds improbable even as I type it out. I would like to hear some view points on the matter, so please engage! I have read chariot of the gods, and have ruled out the ancient alien theory unless we are still the aliens or we evolved and have no understanding of our really primitive days as humans.