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#1 Posted : 6/17/2009 8:44:31 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 11
Joined: 17-Jun-2009
Last visit: 26-Aug-2009
Location: MA
hey guys i'm new here, been lurking for a little while

i spend a lot of time over at Topia but i decided to come over here for some DMT stuff.

i have some noob questions about the lazyman's tek. i posted them at topia and i'll copy them here:

i'm planning on doing a DMT extraction on a kilo of MHRB . i know thats a lot but its cheaper in bulk and i plan on starting out with small ~50 g extractions until i get a technique down.

i'm gonna go with the lazyman tek, which is STB using a 2:2:30:1 ration of bark:lye:water:naphtha (in grams, grams, mL and mL respectively), reusing the naphtha for repeated pulls until the yield drops

i'm gonna do a freeze-precipitation rather than evap process.

my questions are:
a)are my ratio's ok? I think a lot of teks recommend 1:1:15:1, but I have heard entropymaster say that 1 mL of Naptha per gram of RB is too much and gives trouble with freese-precip. He recommended closer to .5 or .4 mL p. gram.

am i correct in assuming that it is better to err on the side of too little naphtha? one can do as many pulls as necessary but with too much naphtha, freeze-precip is difficult.

b)assuming one is using basically one big jar for the extraction, how much total space is needed per gram of the original bark? my ratios would say that at maximum amount of liquid (when naphtha is added) there would be about 15.5 mL of stuff (water and naphtha) per gram in the jar.

based on this, would i be correct in assuming that one could use a quart jar (.9 liter) for a 50-gram extraction? a gallon jar for a 200 gram extraction?

c)what are some of the most common noobie mistakes to whatch out for with STB? what are some of the most common reasons for yield loss (i would really really like a 1% yield )

d)what's the deal with powdered root bark and STB? i've heard you have to do extra shit if your root bark is pre powdered, that you don't have to do if you just shred the bark or w/e. is this true? what is the extra work?

is there really a good added yield from powdering root bark vs. just shredding and letting it sit in basified water for a few days, then mashing it up?

e)any recommendations on BBB vs. ** botanicals for root bark...?

thanks brosephs

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#2 Posted : 6/18/2009 6:44:51 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 11
Joined: 17-Jun-2009
Last visit: 26-Aug-2009
Location: MA
tough crowd...
#3 Posted : 6/18/2009 7:01:47 PM

The Great Namah

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Ahhh give us a few.

Naphtha: I always go very light on the naphtha. 25-50ml per pull on 50g bark. You have to do more pulls, but won't have to ever evap any naphtha or wait 24-36 hours for your spice to fall out.

If using prepowered bark, I would suggest adding more water, you will end up with sludge that sucks up your naphtha if you use less. You don't need to add any more lye even with the extra water.

For 50grams a 1/2 gallon milk jug is fine. For 500g I use a gallon milk jug (but i do A/B always).

I've had some issues with STB and powdered bark. It's great for A/B extractions, but for STB you'll have less issues: naphtha dissapearing in mimosa sludge and sometimes pulling some sort of red out of the bark that won't go away and stains your xtals red/brown.

You can find vendor info in the Supplier thread in General Discussions.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

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