minimal wrote:Years later now I feel like I've matured enough and got my head into a proper state to explore DMT and ayahuasca. As I never go into anything blind, I've been voraciously reading DMT: The Spirit Molecule, watching the film of the same name, and trying to find as much information on the web as possible which lead me here.
Welcome, minimal! It sounds like you've come to the right place!
This forum is an incredible resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about DMT, and other psychedelics as well, particularly if/when you get to the point that you are considering an extraction.
What other psychedelics are you interested in and which have you experienced in the past (aside from LSD obviously)? I personally don't have a huge amount of experience with LSD, but I have done it several times. The only time I have truly "hallucinated" aside from tracers, patterns, colors, etc., was from a relatively large dose compared to the doses I had taken before.
As I'm sure you've read, DMT is on a completely different level than other psychedelics. Don't get me wrong, I'm not discrediting other psychedelics by any means. But DMT is definitely a horse of a different color!
Good luck to you, I hope you are able to find what you seek!