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Phalaris arundinacea extraction, defatting and general questions Options
#1 Posted : 6/16/2009 6:27:37 PM

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I recently foud a shitload of Phalaris arundinacea. Yes, a shitload. Propably several houndred kilos fresh. I am thinking about taking some of this and extract the DMT/5-MeO-DMT/Bufotenin. However, as this will be a very large Phalaris soup, I am wondering about how I should remove the fat. In the Phalaris tek I have seen, it is recommended adding 10-15 % naptha or similar. I do not have access to that much naptha, and I do not know of any alternatives. Is there any good alternatives of defatting solvents that is easy available?

Secondly, what base should I use? I am thinking about using vinegar (does it have to be white?) or lemon juice as an acid, but I do not know of any easy available base. Could you help me out?

In advance, thank you.

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#2 Posted : 6/16/2009 6:34:16 PM

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you will need TONS of naptha if you try to defat it...I have done like 5 washes with naptha on 10 grams of grass I have sitting in a jar, trying defat enough to get at least yellow wax..but the last naptha wash I did is still green..maybe the FASA tek is beter for this one.
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#3 Posted : 6/16/2009 6:38:04 PM

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Ah, crap. Then I really need some other defatting solvent.

When it comes to the base, can I use ammonia? I have a bottle where it says it is 5-10 % ammonia, diluted in water. I guess this is what is called ammonium hydroxide?
#4 Posted : 6/16/2009 8:39:28 PM

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definitely fumaric acid precipitation...what you can do is

extract with d-limonene..use fumaric acid saturated water...and then clean the result of THAT up..it will be way easier than defatting...

also you could use sodium carbonate that you can convert from sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) you should be able to find that anywhere

here is an idea...

use a wheat grass juicer to get all the nice lovely green juice...add heaps of sodium carbonate...and then try extracting with d-limonene..or heptane(if you use heptane im thinking you can use FASA) but if you use d-limo then use FASW

evaporate the FASW or collect the precips from FASA...then clean that stuff...should work?
it's a sound
#5 Posted : 6/16/2009 9:43:37 PM

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Not a bad idea at all! That would require me to buy a wheat juice extractor, but I guess that would be worth it. I assume all or most of the tryptamines is in the juice, and not in the plant matter?

When it comes to d-limonene, I have never found anything over 100 ml sold here in Norway. I do therefore need something else that should be easy available for a cheap price, and I have absolutely no idea where to start looking...

Will Sodium bicarbonate be converted to Sodium carbonate if I just add some heat? If yes, what heat is needed? I assume the waste products will only be water and carbon dioxide (2 NaHCO3 -> Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2), which should evaporate.

And Fumaric acid, where would I possibly obtain that?
#6 Posted : 6/16/2009 10:02:56 PM

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you could use the standard FASA technique on phalaris using xylene no need for limonene if it is not available. No matter what SWIY uses the fumarate precipitate is the way to go. Then clean up the alkaloids from there by various techniques.
#7 Posted : 6/16/2009 10:07:36 PM

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Thank you, Bufoman, but where would I get pure Xylene, Acetone and Fumaric acid?
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